Friday, June 26, 2009

Lots to Share

Lots to share...and so little time to share it in. Lets start with the CRAZY JCP lady:
Lindsay, doing a pretty good job at finding stuff to do on an INCREDIBLY slow Wednesday afternoon, happily turns to help a customer who comes up to the register with what looks like a return. Crazy lady, plops a Walmart bag on the counter, with shoes inside, and says she has no receipt and no box, but needs to return these shoes because they hurt her toes. Besides the fact that we do not return things without at least a box OR a receipt, we have never carried those shoes. Ever. I promise. Scouts honor. I tell the lady that I am very sorry, but those shoes were not from our store, but maybe they could be from the Layton JCP, as they sometimes carry different stock. She scowls at me and tells me most definitely that these shoes WERE in fact, from this store, and she could even show me the Skechers wall that they came from. I admitted that, in fact, we do have a Skechers wall, but this particular Skecher had never been there. How, I ask you, am I suppose to return a shoe that we have never had, I don't have a box to, and I most definitely don't have a receipt to, and so therefore have no way of knowing what it is worth or how to put it into our system??? I tried very kindly to tell her that we couldn't do the return, but luckily, right then, a manager walked by. Thank you Zona!!! I called her over and told her very politely, because we were standing right in front of the customer, that this woman had no receipt, had no box, and we most definitely had never carried this shoe, and yet this lady wanted to do a return. Zona was kind for a while, and then told the lady quite abruptly that we could not do a return. The lady, by then, red-faced and sweating and inches away from Zona's face, furiously stocked away, grabbing her shoes with her. Zona followed her to the front of the store, where she again, tried to return the shoes. Apparently, the lady claimed to have made the purchase with her JCP card, so Zona brought up her purchases on the computer, and no Skecher shoe had been bought with her card. She also told the lady that "Lindsay knows every shoe on the floor, and if we would have had it, she would've found a way to return it for you." For which I was very grateful. Apparently after that she was apologetic, claiming she really had thought she'd bought them here. She doesn't realize, obviously, the shoe master she was conversing with. HAAHAAHAA!!!!
Other news, after basically pulling an all nighter, getting a little sleep, working all day, and doing it all again---I finally got eleven straight hours of sleep last night. It was pure bliss. Then I had all these wonderful plans of things I wanted to do this afternoon, since I don't go in to work until 230, but the piano tuner took four hours. Happy to have a tuned piano, but a little disheartening since it is not really perfect, and one note still drives me crazy, but he said it's been so long since its been tuned, it would take another full tuning to fix. And so, my morning was spent, in mostly happiness listening to his life story which was very fascinating indeed, but I saw no sun today, and I sorely miss the sun. Sigh. On to work!


Heather and Jake said...

Haha don't mess with Lindsay's knowledge of the shoes! I miss you!

Kayli said...


Why are people so unreasonable?

Have a nice day. Get some sleep.