Friday, August 21, 2009

Rejoice and mourn!

So I have the happiest news in the whole entire universe!!!! The state of Utah, along with the rest of the world, has had a large amount of funding cut from its education programs, including Weber State University. I am on a state scholarship. And they cut the amount my scholarship was paying. I got more than a little annoyed, and wrote an email to three different state legislators and told them that I thought it was completely ridiculous that, on a scholarship that pays a certain percentage for 60 credits, and I have only used 50 credits of scholarship, they would cut it on my last 10 credits. Plus, they gave me the can't just cut the amount!?!?!!?!?!?!??! Anyway, long story short, I had a voicemail from my dearest father this afternoon, and he opened my mail and THEY REINSTATED THE INITIAL AMOUNT FOR MY SCHOLARSHIP!!!!!! I am more than a little excited about this. Especially since I just paid $1,100 today in fees that have nothing to do with tuition and student fees. Just dental hygiene fees. Ouch. This is where the mourning comes in. Good thing I bought gas this morning, might be the last time in a while!!!!!

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