Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just Kidding

I thought I had posted my final dental hygiene post. Silly me, I forgot I had one more exam, and that I would SO excited to post my results:
It was a little stressful. More than a little stressful. The written exam seemed quite a bit easier than the first time I took it...I think I was more prepared, but I also think this exam was a lot easier than the one we took at WSU. The clinical exam...was a nightmare. I was SO NERVOUS! Sterling was my patient, and he said when I came and told him to come back to the exam area, that my eyes were SO HUGE I just looked like this scared
deer. I was scared. I was so nervous I almost couldn't screw the needle into the end of the syringe because I was shaking so bad. I did a BEAUTIFUL IA injection on Sterling, and then went to do my PSA....I got a positive aspiration! I have never had one of those before!!!! My mind started whirling and my face got all hot, and I told them it was positive, and that I wanted to withdraw my needle, to which the instructor was not even nice and told me that I could do whatever I wanted, it was a testing situation....and then I picked up another syringe. Positive again. So I told them....only I said negative. I have no idea WHY I said negative. There is no good reason in the world why I should've said negative. I knew it was positive. In my head I was thinking positive. So the instructor kinda looked at me and said "would you like to aspirate again?" She was trying to be helpful, but that just threw me off all the more. If there's BLOOD in the cartridge, and I have a POSITIVE aspiration, why in the WORLD would I want to aspirate AGAIN? But I did, just because I was so muddled by that point. Then it hit me. I had said NEGATIVE, but I meant POSITIVE! I told them I was withdrawing my needle, and tried to explain, but they failed me anyway. For "improper handling of positive aspiration". Luckily, you get a second chance. Sterling said I did really good...except for when I gasped. Ahem. I didn't expect blood!
So, I paid my $120 dollars. I figured by that point I had tortured Sterling long enough. Cried a bit on his shoulder in the waiting room. Felt like a complete idiot in front of Aleesha and Adam. Had Aleesha come back to be my patient this time...and thought that I would easy-breezy make it through this. Calmed down a little bit. Positive aspiration. Now, I have never had a positive aspiration in my entire dental hygiene student career, and I'd like to note that there have been quite a few injections in that time. Never a positive aspiration. But, of course, three positive aspirations on the day of my exam. No sweat. I picked up yet ANOTHER syringe and.....negative aspiration, smooth sailing, and I passed. Phew.
Now, I'd just like to note that positive aspirations mean that you are EXACTLY where you're supposed to be. But in an injection you can't be EXACTLY where you're supposed to be, or you'll inject into a blood vessel, and that is bad. So you have to ALMOST exactly where you're supposed to be. And its not terrible to have a positive aspiration, and its easily fixable. And it doesn't do anything to your patient.
I'd like to add another note of appreciation to Adam and Aleesha! Thanks for letting us sleep at your house! Thanks for making me breakfast! Thank you SO SO SO much for being my patient, and my friend Shaylee's patient so we could finally finish our anesthesia exam! Thank you for the party and the good times!
I'd also like to add

And Sterling made me the following DELICIOUS chocolate cake with strawberries. MmMmm. Oh AND my final grades are posted. Straight A's except for one lousy A- because of a clinical exam that my patient no-showed for, and I couldn't find a patient that qualified well enough before the end of the exam. Happy day.

The rest of the pictures are of Adam, Aleesha and Sterling. We were singing karaoke. It was LOTS of fun. The words scrolled across the tv.

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