Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Not a Tooth???

I have to retract everything I ever said about my crazy boy having a molar. The dentist I worked for figured that was the most logical explanation, but when we took him to the pediatrician today for his 4 month check he said it was an epstein pearl, or a keratin pearl. Usually they form on the roof of the mouth, are not as hard as Will's is, and not as big, so his was more like a tooth and less like what it really is.  Anyway, it isn't anything to worry about, and should go away on its own in the next couple months. Mystery solved.

Those cheeks. 
Drool. Awesome. 
Also, a couple weekends ago we went to the Logan temple and my wonderful sister-in-law Lindsay Ann babysat for us. She noticed that Will's head is pretty flat on one side. When I showed the pediatrician today, he said it was a pretty big deal and now we have to do these exercises with his neck every time I change his diaper. We also have to get on tummy time. I hate tummy time. Probably as much as my babies. Sigh. But we want him to be especially handsome someday, right?
Ruthie decided to get in on the tummy time fun.

Those cheeks. Again.
Will also decided to grow! So instead of being short and fat, he averaged out a little better this go around. He was 24 and 3/4 inches tall, and he weighed 14 and a half pounds (so I guess our measuring-while-holding-him was pretty close). No wonder he is growing out of all of his clothes and fitting into the 6-9 month ranges of clothes! That puts him about 30-45% on everything, which is what I remember Ruth always being at.

He hasn't done so well with the shots today. Luckily I remembered to ask for a new bottle of baby tylenol because the one I've had since Ruth was a baby has so much gone that the syringe can't reach the liquid and its a juggling act to get it out. Unluckily, I can't give it to him again until this evening, so he's had a pretty rough afternoon. All he wants to do is eat cuddled up next to mama. I feel so bad for him because he is usually such a happy little guy!

At four months Will is an absolute delight. He sleeps through the night, he laughs out loud, he grabs your finger and gives huge, drooly grins. He LOVES being in the tub and kicks like crazy and splashes water all over. He loves to be held, a little bit too much, although, can any baby need to be held too much? I don't think so. Especially because he rolls up into this perfect little chub of a ball and is just the cuddliest thing to hold and hug ever. I just love it. He also loves his big sister, even though she's a little rough with him sometimes. She will come up to his swing/carseat/wherever and say "hi baby!" and grin at him, and he'll grin back, and I just love it.

Happy 4 months our little man!

Big sneeze! 

The bubble blowing pictures are from a lovely Sunday afternoon with Sterling home. I live for the 'other' weekends, when Sterling doesn't work. So lovely.

Also, in BIG NEWS, Sterling submitted our DO medical school applications today! And pretty soon he'll be submitting the MD applications...it is all ready to go (big thanks to Andrea who stayed up til midnight on Saturday making sure everything really was ready to go)!!!! This means....MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!!  Well, it means medical school in a year or so. Now, for a LONG year of waiting. YAY!

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