Sunday, July 7, 2019

Father's Day + Trip To Utah

So on Father's Day we made Sterling breakfast, and the kids made him cards at church, and we gave him the shirt he is wearing FaThor. And then we headed to Utah after a quick lunch of Mac 'n cheese. Rewind one week, our check engine light had come on, I took it in, we needed a new gas cap, I got one, the light went off, we were set to go. Fast forward to Sunday again. About two hours down the road our van starting making terrible noises. After much deliberation we finally decided to turn around. Luckily we did, because after taking it in Monday morning it turns out that our serpentine belt had broken and wrapped around an a/c filter and lots of things had to be replaced. We sold kidneys, got it fixed, and headed out on the road again Tuesday morning! 

Luckily, our kids were still really pumped to get to Grandma's house. The first day we logged about 18 hours and stopped at a hotel late enough to set up beds, go to sleep, and we slept in enough to catch the beginning of the continental breakfast before heading out on our early morning! Our plan was to navigate our first two days around the big city's traffic and we did awesome. We got past Atlanta, Georgia and I was like-yes! we did it!- only to hit a little nothing town that had a collision in front of us and we spent about two hours rerouting. We did meet a nice old man picking raspberries who asked us to roll down our window because he wanted to know why so many people were turning around on his road because nobody ever came up this road (gps told us it was a through street, it was not) hahaahaa! 

That leads us to the afternoon of our second day of driving, in Kansas, and our van just shut off. MIRACULOUSLY, even in the middle of nowhere (where we had only seen massive churches looming out of the cornfields for miles and miles) we were right at an exit, coasted off, and the truck stop had a garage attached. They immediately started working on it while we got a hotel within walking distance. It worked out phenomenally well, besides the part where we had already sold our kidneys :)
When our van died in Kansas, we played the evening away in this hot tub and pool and watched Hotel Transylvania in the hotel, which is fitting. We had frozen burritos and bagged popcorn from the truck stop for dinner. All in all, a night to remember!

Big sister helping little sister check out the swimming pool amenities. 

On our first day, first bathroom stop---only about two hours in. Help me! Haha, no the kids got a lot better and we were stretching stops out to about every four hours.

Sleeping with sister at the hotel.

Last stop, Little America, Wyoming!!!! My sister lives right along the freeway, so we called her as we got close to Evanston, and their entire family came and waved and cheered as we drove past on the freeway. It was seriously so awesome.


This was from Father's Day, I took a picture to show my sister my dress (bought a while ago but not worn recently because obviously pregnancy, nursing) and I gave a talk on Father's Day, which went really well I think.

These pictures are from Monday. Sticking around in Florida when I had the house spotless and ready to leave was a little hard on me. The amount of work I had done to leave and then was being recreated before my eyes!

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