Sunday, March 28, 2021

Halloween 2020

Molly wore this to the ward trunk-or-treat (due to COVID there was no dinner or games, but families could stand six feet apart in line to go to each trunk, where most people gave us candy out of skeleton tongs, so the kids still loved it!) and so we had to have a few photos.

Will was wizard all the way this year--we couldn't rope him into the Peter Pan theme with us. I admire his tenacity and ability to know exactly what he wants!

The most adorable, absolutely CUTEST little Peter Pan and Tinker you ever did see!

Ruthie the mermaid.

Every year Bexley Park goes ALL OUT and has a huge contest for best decorated house on Halloween. This year no decorations were going up and nothing was announced until the week before (due to COVID I'm sure) and then they decided trick-or-treating was still happening (masks required) and suddenly the decorations FLEW UP, and it was so great. My kids were in heaven. We went on a few bike rides just to enjoy the fun decorations everywhere.

Molly was also a mermaid (along with Ruthie) on the actual night of Halloween. They were SO cute, Kami is so talented!

Thank goodness the actual night of Halloween was on a Saturday and Sterling had it off--we got to enjoy all the festivities together. Including carving pumpkins. Which was perfect because in the 90 degree Florida heat the pumpkins bottoms disintegrate and ants eat them away in a day or two anyway, so they can't stay out very long.

Our friend Tom and his family went ALL OUT with decorations. My very, very favorite were their black lawn flamingos. I totally want some.

Wendy, Caption Hook, Tinker Bell
Peter Pan, a wizard, mermaids


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