Sunday, June 9, 2019

End of Medical School

Brent and Janessa Waldron, Diana, Jeff, and baby Jaro Hillam. 

We were able to squeeze in a couple of game nights with these AMAZING people before they left for residency. It was really weird, we always thought we'd be leaving for residency as well, so it was a little strange to see and hear them making all the crazy moving preparations and....not be. Brent's off to anesthesia in Las Vegas (by his family and some of her family which I could not be more THRILLED for them!) and Jeff is off the Emergency Med in Pennsylvania. Seasons! Yay! 

We have played board games with these lovely couples for the past four years. And they have ALWAYS made the effort to come to our house so we could lay our kids down and then enjoy game night. They always bring awesome food and are incredibly happy and upbeat. They've known us during some of our toughest struggles and often been that happy light-hearted thing we had to look forward to. Also, they love our kids and our kids love them. I am going to miss them so much! And also--their sense of humors and their incredible ability to strategize. Board game nights will never be the same again! But ahhhhh all the happy feels that residency is starting for everyone!
Playing Uno with the kid before bed since this was the very last time!

Gracie girl and Jaro--three weeks apart--Grace is tiny and Jaro is huge, haha!

This was a mystery game and we had a candle and dimmed light and mood music playlist and everything---hahahaaahaa!

Okay now I'm going to go cry remembering that we don't have them to call on a weekend any more! Love you guys so much!!!!

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