Friday, June 7, 2019

Molly VPK Graduation + Muffins with Mom

Molly was front and center in her turquoise dress, which was so fun to watch!
I love the performances here, they are always adorable, but only about 25 minutes and then onto snacks and you're out of there. Perfect for the attention span of the kids. They sang the greatest songs-my favorite was the graduation song where she sang "I have learned my A, B, Cs, I have learned my 1, 2, 3s. I have learned that God loves me, off to Kindergarten!" Isn't that the cutest? Also-This Little Light of Mine is always a hit. I really, really love their little VPK program and that they pray and talk about God and Jesus. 

Her class and teacher Ms. Baraldi. Her friend Edison took her home every day so they were really great friends. Her other friends were Penelope and Lucas, but with such a small class size they were really all great friends. 

She was such a sweet teacher--which was so great for our sassy but a little shy Molly. And Molly in that dress and those boots just epitomizes the year--she loves what she loves and it's the greatest! I think we sang Happy Girl by Martina every. single. morning. on the way to dropping her off and she never got tired of it. Okay, so neither did I. Love those morning drives with her after dropping the big kids off. She is insanely imaginative and would ask the greatest questions. She also love bugs, the crossing guard at the elementary school is convinced she is going to be a scientist. She picks up millipedes and laughs as they crawl up her arm. She usually has two or three sequestered in her little palms. She says she wants to be a doctor to help people and babies. She has a big heart and loves helping me with Grace.

Edison and Molly
Just a few days after Molly's VPK graduation, the elementary school held Muffins with Mom. So we got to take the entire crew to try to eat some semblance of breakfast (the healthiest thing was a cookie, I swear) and contain the demon 2 yr old in the masses of people. HA! But I do love that I can be there for all of these things for my kids. They see me. I see them. There are hugs and kisses and smiles and some heart string tugging(on my part). 

We sat by Will's best friend Wally and his older sister Doris.

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