Friday, May 1, 2020

Grace is ONE!

I have no idea how, but Grace turned one. It's killing me, but oh, how we love her! Miss Grace is loud and clear about what she wants, she can climb stairs and beds and ladders and all of the things. She walks three steps at a time, stands solo frequently, and has taken five steps-but daddy said she's waiting for him to see her do more than that! She loves music and always single along. She laughs so hard when she's tickled but has a stellar poker face for photos. She likes to mimic everyone by clicking her tongue, smacking her lips, blowing raspberries, and blowing kisses. She waves goodbye and says "buhhhy!" to everyone we see. She is the absolutely adored favorite baby sister (which means she gets smooshed and pushed and lugged around way too often) and we just love love love her!

Opening presents!
A sweet little soft kitty cat, because she LOVES and carries around anything SUPER SOFT.

A glow worm!

I LOVE how all the kids are crowded around to see!

My heart still can't handle that she's one. So we're just going to have her be a baby forever and ever and ever. Our sweetest little baby in the world.

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