Tuesday, May 26, 2020

January 2020 Part 1

 I'M ON THE CORRECT YEAR GUYS! This is the most I've ever been behind, and I'm determined to catch up from last summer...because this summer starts on Friday haha. But look at this-January mean half way there! So, in January Will started basketball and LOVED it and the girls started dance and also loved it. There was a lot of bike riding because Florida in January is amazing. Gracie learned how to walk. We saw absolutely ZERO of Sterling so we visited him at the hospital to remind the children what he looked like. And that's about all!

This was actually New Years Day. We hit up an amazing park in Wellington (the town beside us NATIONALLY renowned for it's horse-jumping) and then got McD's and ate it at this really random parking lot with a chess set!

Impromptu park play date with the neighborhood kids.

Ruthie and Molly woke up at 3am to make us cinnamon rolls from Ruth's new recipe book from Christmas. It was the most adorable thing ever except that the house might have burned down while we were sleeping...but we tried really hard to be so grateful! They even did a fabulous job cleaning up!

I love the Ft. Lauderdale temple.

That moment where your neighbor is there with his one kid, and he takes pity on your kid who has to have everything exactly right...but mama has five kids and no hands to help him do it exactly right. Plus, they usually do a fabulous job all on their own, just sayin'. haha.

Molly learned how to ride her bike without training wheels!!!! GO MOLLY! 
More impromptu neighborhood park play dates.

Joy School on Tues/Thurs mornings! Jack and Gwen are so much fun!

Gracie loves ANYTHING soft.

Dropped Ruthie off at choir and picked up dinner and ate it beside the ocean. So gorgeous.

My new primary class.

Ruthie started going to Activity Days---nooooo!

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