Before swimming, iguanas. Because, our life revolves around the iguana sitings in our backyard--which happen every. single. time. we look out the back door. There is a canal right behind our fence, and a bridge, and several "Warning: Alligator" signs, and primarily, a BIG BANYAN TREE. Which, iguanas in south america are called The Chicken Of the Tree---and so it happens that we have a colony living in our backyard. Which provides endless hours of entertainment for our family. This particular one, even though you can't tell because I STILL haven't gotten a bigger zoom lens for my camera, was probably almost five feet long. There is a six-footer GINORMOUS ALLIGATOR (okay, he's an iguana, but he could pass for an alligator) that also is sited on the regular, and it's pretty crazy stuff. The older they get the less green they become, but we have a ton of little two foot bright green guys as well. We read in a book from the library that their tails are strong enough to snap a dogs leg. Which makes me fear for Molly, haha. But really, those hind legs are easily as thick as Molly's, and those tails? they start out as thick as my fist. It's kind of insane.
Besides the iguanas we also watch turtles on the regular. There are about three that sun themselves on the rocks that you can kinda see in the picture below, and then dive in and swim around--which the kids love. Of course thousands of ducks and ibises, and one really weird red bird the other day that looked kind of like a robin with stork legs and a longer neck? I've gotta figure that one out because it was cool. Apparently people have also seen manatees--we're hoping to catch a glimpse of one!

And now for swimming at the pool. Which is practically all we do these days, if we do anything. It's been 95 degrees and warmer the past several weeks. I feel like the summer tropical CONSTANT rain has been slowing down, but today was a rainy one, so now I'm feeling ambivalent on that front. But at least we have seen enough sunshine to hit up the pool several times! It's starting to feel a little 'chilly' (the rain cools the pool down) but we are sweating so hard on our 200 yard walk to the pool, that it is ALWAYS a relief to hit the water.
Friday and Saturday mornings I babysit two girls in our ward, so they are also pictured. :) |
If you look past the pool you can see the playground behind? It just opened and we are SOOO excited to play in it, but every time we go the equipment is burning hot, so the kids can't slide or climb. But soon, right? |
The kiddie pool has been a hot spot lately because Will has been taking off his floatie and 'diving' for dive sticks. It's the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life, and also keeps him occupied for hours at a time, so win/win.
Our toy alligator is the most beloved/fought over pool toy right now, haha! |
Will diving for the sticks! |
Coming up for air! |
Presenting his finds! |
Molly is hilarious and kinda just putters around in the pool lately. Remember how Will used to just lay on his back for fifteen minutes at a time? She's totally taken on that chillin' role and she is very good at it! |
If it rains, we usually stay inside because it is too hot and miserable and muggy to think about anything else. I am REALLY looking forward to November. But then again, these mornings at the pool (quick mornings in-between dropping Ruthie off and picking her up) are pretty relaxing and wonderful right now, so it's a good life!