Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Can I just scream I AM SO SICK OF CANCELLATIONS!!!!!! Okay, so in the past couple of weeks there have been some legit reasons, like blizzards and stuck cars, etc. But when I had an interpreter call yesterday afternoon, and you said you'd be there, or you forgot to get a babysitter....really guys???????
Fortunately, Mr. Salomon felt sorry for me and the fact that I have called forty thousand people off the resource list multiple times in my last couple of clinic sessions, and he called all the people he had, and we found one. He can come in a half hour, which puts me an hour behind. But.....better than nothing I suppose, lets just hope he's a decent classification. Because really, I could have my sister-in-law come in again, but it wouldn't do anything for me.
My morning patient, due to a cancellation, was a DH buddy Meagan, so I had nothing to do, although I did practice some anesthesia on her, which was great---she's a dove! Love ya Meagan!
I feel like I could do a decent job clinically if I could JUST GET A PATIENT IN THE CHAIR!
Although, lunch was great, and there are some happy groomals up at www.timelessmemoriesbymichelle.blogspot.com and my professor walked by as I was looking at the pictures and said "You are actually quite beautiful." HAHAHAHAHAAA! Thanks, I think.

Okay, so I got a patient, one hour late, but already had xrays from the dental clinic, so that saved time. Serious Class II. And I bombed. Lets just say, I missed more areas than probably I have combined the last two semesters (all on four teeth).
And can I just say wisdom teeth are absolutely BEASTLY?

Things Lindsay needs to learn:
-ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT! Toe of the instrument needs to adapt to the tooth surface!
-use instruments that are made for that kind of calculus. Namely, PULL OUT YOUR GRACEY'S NEXT TIME!
-And PS, who knew that using a palm up fulcrum on buccal upper right was so helpful?
-And remember parallel shank.

Okay, so basically Lindsay needs to retake first year, first semester. Ahem.
In my defense it was REALLY HARD CALCULUS!
which is happy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I was hoping that both/either of my patients today would be a nice board patient. Alas, a recall after FIVE years patient that had previously been a II/V, was still a V. She had some pretty sweet, hard manibular lingual anterior calculus. My second patient of the day I thought for sure would be a Class II. Yeah, he was a 1B. Annoyingly enough though, he was a difficult class 1B. Which is annoying because you have to spend enough time to go in the four and five millimeter pockets, and you have calculus that you are chipping off....but you are just getting the credit for a 1B. Sigh.

So----anyone with pocketing, bone loss, and lots of calculus want to find me RIGHT AWAY and be my board patient??? That would be great, thanks.

On a happier note, my wedding invitations came yesterday, and I got them from my dad this afternoon and they are AWESOME!!!! My sister Kami did it on the computer for me because I decided I didn't really care that much about my invitations, and we could make it as cheap as possible. They are so beautiful! I just love, love, LOVE them! Well, that could be because it has a picture of Sterling. And its red. Can't really go wrong there. Other than that, just 21 days left! YAY!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Class II's

My patients today were rough-ish. I had a patient scheduled for this morning that I was crossing my fingers was a class II. She couldn't come because it was blizzarding outside. But...there was a patient in the waiting room scheduled with a girl who didn't come in cause she was sick, and he was really annoyed and still wanted to be treated. So I saw him. He was a Class V, but so close to a Class II. Talk about biofilm. Remember the cottage cheese pictures from first year? Yeah. That about sums it up. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to eat my lunch. But then Sterling brought me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I remembered how ravenous I was.
Second patient of the day---thought he was an adult, turned out he was 15, and so there were a lot of double/extra signatures going on. But...even without bone loss, because he is so young...he is definitely mock board material. So after taking four bitewings, and then doing OD, I went back and took 8 PA's of all his mandibular teeth. Then...DRUM ROLL....I did my first injections of the semester, ASA, MSA, PSA, and he was numb right away!!!! That could've been because Dr. Naylor basically held my hand as I went into each injection, and I'm not even sure I could tell you where the insertion points are supposed to be. Sigh. But I'm happy I got to do that. I just did his upper left quad...and it was quite the experience. Its always amazing to me how teeth can be so dissimilar from patient to patient. I think because he is so much younger than the class II's you'd see at the VA, he had the same calculus chunking off from beneath his gums, but his gums were much more edematous and rolled.
So today:
four quads of a class V
4 conv. BW
8 conv. PA's
1 quad of class II
1 PE

I feel very good about today. And only one missed piece between both patients. I need to remember that my SN135's can't reach all the way through larger interproximal spaces.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm not feeling quite so frantic anymore about patients. I should be, just because I need really hard classifications, and those aren't going to be the easiest to find. But I scheduled two patients today, and rescheduled my afternoon patient. Which means...I cleaned my sister (easy 1B) this morning, and did nothing this afternoon but take 8PA's, because I rescheduled him to be my mockboard on Feb 2nd. Which is fabulous, huge relief off my mind...just made today a little pointless.

I think also that I was more stressed about scheduling, because my extra clinic day (because for some reason I was short a clinic day) was thrown into next week, so I needed more patients than I normally would have. I'm just hoping I find another mockboard patient soon, because I only have one week between Feb 2nd and the next mockboard. Rudeness.

So I should be studying like crazy, right??? It's been slow-going. The first week of school I finished scheduling all my wedding plans. Done. And done. And I feel fabulous about it. And I'm so glad I'm done with all of that, and I can just enjoy life a little. I did study really well a couple of times. I'm going to start studying a couple times a week with some other girls though, and I know that will do a lot to motivate me to study on my own as well.

I got a new windshield in my car, and dad took it for a safety inspection today. So glad thats done and I can be finished thinking about it. Not much else is happening. Life is wonderful! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I ONLY HAVE THIRTY DAYS UNTIL MY WEDDING!!!! Holy hannah!!!!! Thats all for today folks. Update on my life.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Peterson Farm Supply

I am despising looking for patients right now.If anyone knows ANYONE who hasn't been to the dentist recently, and would like a free cleaning, please, please, PLEASE help. It'll be free. I don't even care anymore. I just want to graduate. I'm also despising the hours I'm spending studying. And annoyed that we don't practice the Jewish custom from Moses' time-ish that says men have to quit work for a whole year after marriage so the couple can 'get to know each other'. Why did we stop that tradition? Thats what I'd like to know.

Last night we were in the car--I was dropping Sterling off--and I was trying to tell him about a funny phone conversation I had had with my dad earlier that day. I started the story about three times and he interrupted me with kisses. So then I got all annoyed and told him I wasn't telling the story anymore because he was interrupting and he wasn't even listening. He proceeded to act the repentant little boy and convinced me that he REALLY DID want to hear my story, and that he wouldn't interrupt anymore, and he really would listen. So I started my story for the fourth time. And he started squishing his face with both hands, and then pulling it, and then making pig noses, and all sorts of other faces. STERLING! Of course, he innocently pointed out that I was quite capable of continuing my story, as he was not interfering at all. I asked him if this was how he wooed all of his girls, he admitted that he never tried it before, but he wondered how it was working. HAHA!

The story I was trying to tell him about dad: Dad called to double check that all the information they had printed off to insert into wedding invitations was correct. He read out loud all the information, and I said it sounded great. Then he said "I also have a paper that says: Sterling and Lindsay are registered at Walmart, Kohls, and Peterson Farm Supply." HAHAHAHAAAAHAAA!!!!! I was laughing so hard. Thanks dad.

Also, Lindsay Ann, your book is a HIT! I LOVE IT! And so does everyone else. I show it to everyone I see. Literally. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First and Last

Today was the first day...of MY LAST days of clinicals. Last semester. Ever. It started out fabulous with a class II. Unfortunately, it couldn't really be used for a mock board experience because he was really just a heavy smoker with bone loss and pocketing, and LOTS of staining that took a lot to get off, but not really the necessary calculus requirements for a mock board experience. Sigh. Better luck next time. My second patient...CANCELLED. Wouldn't ya know. So I spent thirty minutes in the office calling about sixty people off the resource list. Of course, all these people are so anxious to come in, but on an hour's notice, really couldn't come. So, my fabulous fiance Sterling came to the rescue, and was a super easy 1B, to finish off my first day back. Well, at least I know I can do 1B's quickly still. Haahaa. Now that that's over...we'll just cross our fingers that its the last of cancellations for the rest of my student life. Ha. If only.
But I have an idea my sister-in-law might feed me tonight. Or probably my brother's cooking, either way, it'll be a much appreciated meal!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today was my bridal shower. This Christmas break, which was supposed to be relaxing, working, and studying....was fairly relaxing, working, crazy busy cramming a bunch of stuff in, and no studying. This makes me nervous to the point of panic when I think about how soon boards are. Why, oh why, was I not studying harder? Then again, I know several girls who never even planned on studying through the break in the first place....and at the level of panic I'm starting to feel now, I know I will study hard for the next two months, and it will pay off.

Back to the bridal shower....I am incredibly spoiled. My sister Amy threw the shower...so of course there were cute decorations, and everything matched, and it all looked super nice. Then all my sisters (probably under said Amy's direction) gave me a laundry basket full of something that went with the poem attached. One sister gave me a laundry basket with cleaning supplies, one with cooking stuff(including a crock pot that was red), one with laundry things(including an iron that was red), one with office supplies, one with bathroom things. That equals to five sisters, right? But these baskets didn't just have a few things....they were jam-packed, and it was AWESOME!!!!! They also gave me a carry-on suitcase full of stuff that might be needed for a honeymoon(they had little games to go along with all this stuff).
Then Sterling's mom gave us a microwave, cause she had come and looked at all of our stuff moved into our new apartment this morning, and noticed this serious vacancy....and was wonderful enough to change her gift plans to help us out!
Not to mention everyone else's gifts who were there...and it was SO MUCH FUN to see everyone! Kelsey, my long lost roommate of one and a half years, who moved out two weeks ago, and my best friend Aleesha that just got home from her honeymoon, and family, and all sorts of friends, and adopted mothers and grandmothers :) It was so much fun. I can't believe how much stuff we have, and how great it all is. We also got some really neat pictures of us, and an AWESOME red kitchen trash can. It's pretty sweet to look in our little kitchen: red towel, red canisters, red drain board, red trash can, red crockpot, red utensils.....you get the idea.
So, now we're moved in, (although I'll still be living elsewhere for the next five weeks, but my stuff that I don't need is moved in), the wedding is basically planned, the holidays are over, and SCHOOL STARTS! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Somebody please drug me for the next three months and wake me up for graduation!