Sunday, October 27, 2019

SIX MONTHS OLD June 17, 2019

 This perfect squishy turned six months a few days ago-and she is just perfection! She has two bottom teeth, rolls immediately upon being placed on the ground, is so close to army crawling-rolls to where she wants, smiles and smiles at everyone, is the best traveler, still is only getting up once at night (heavenly!), takes a bottle like a champ when being babysat and is just generally the most enchanting and precious baby we know! We love you little Gracie girl!
 In the time we were in Utah she went from six months to nine months. Learned to army crawl, then crawl, then was pulling herself up onto furniture (within about two weeks of coming back to Florida she was walking around furniture) and I think being away for that time and realizing how fast babyhood is, was kind of hard. Instead of just enjoying it and feeling like life was normal paced it felt like it was flashing by at record speeds. Because we were there for "just three months" but in those three months she completely changed! She went from almost immobile little infant to rocketing around! She went from nursing to being introduced to baby foods to transitioning completely to formula (thanks to me working so much and not producing as much for the pump as I did for her). She got almost four teeth while we were there. She learned to sit up while we were there. Luckily for me, not only did I get to enjoy her, but so did so many family members and for that I really am glad. I think it's so fun to have older cousins and aunts and family members swooning over the baby--because that's what my older sisters said they all did to me, and I feel like every baby should be spoiled by soooo much love! 


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