Thursday, August 27, 2009


Lets see...throw me back in to a world I have contentedly forgotten for the last four months, expect me to clean teeth in a completely unfamiliar environment, with completely unfamiliar equipment....throw in to my complete frantic and frightened mindset a veteran with schizophrenia, who was homeless, and sometimes smoked....and it actually turned out fabulous. Very compliant patient, very patient and understanding professors, and slowly I felt a little more comfortable. Okay, not really...but at least I wasn't on the verge of absolute hysteria by the end of the appointment. Second patient no-showed, which was terrible since that meant I didn't get any quads for the day, but was fabulous because I did a bunch of paperwork for the next day's clinic, and I feel MUCH more confident with the previously foreign computer program used at the VA. One day down. Seven months to go.

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