Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I love Christmas. I love snow. I love beautiful warm blankets. I hate driving in bad weather. That is the WORST part of Christmas vacation...especially cause you are going all over visiting people. I love food. I love parties. I love getting presents for people. I love chilling on the couch and reading a book. Oh there really time for that? Haahaa

Funny story:
Yesterday I went to Provo with my parents, Megan, and Kami, and we all painted Kami's house. Completely. It was crazy. And the house....was a mess. Basically. Anyway, I was painting one particularly precarious window that felt like it might crash down onto the first floor at any moment. I noted how sad that would be, especially since I would never got to marry Sterling. My sister Megan, who seemed a little bitter towards men in general that day, stated that Sterling would mourn for a week, and then move on to another girl. Dad gave him the benefit of the doubt and said maybe a week and a half. I pretended not to hear their continuing conversation on young couples that one passes away, and declared haughtily that Sterling would mourn a long time for me. Later that night, I was relating the story to Sterling, and I said, "Wouldn't that be SO sad?" and he moved in to give me a hug and said quite seriously "Yeah, it would be the saddest week and a half of my life." WHAT IS THIS???!!?!?!?!? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??!?!?!?! Gotta say, I was having a hard time pretending to be put out, and not laughing though. Haahaa.


Kayli said...

HA AHA HAAA!!! Suh-weet, Sterling. So funny.

Heather and Jake said...

You were in Provo and you didn't tell me?!?! Darling I freakin live in Provo! Ya bum :)

LaVerle said...

Sounds like Sterling fits right into your family!!