Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dirtiest Room In the House

As I was finishing the dishes just now, and contemplating deep, soul-searching thoughts, I wondered what everyone dislikes most to be the dirtiest room in their house. Not many people read my blog, and of those, few and far between will respond, but...

What is your least favorite room in the house to be dirty?

I was thinking, I like to make our bed, but if it doesn't get made, I just close the door and don't see the bedroom all day. No big deal. I like to have a washed off counter and sink in the bathroom, but if that happens every few days, then I can go probably TOO long in getting around to cleaning my bathroom. The living room of a two-person household never really needs cleaned, just occasionally de-junked. Cause really, what do we do in the living room besides read and study? It doesn't amount to much dirt. And the second bedroom...imgine a futon, tv, two bookshelves, a baby bassinet, two baby car seats, a corner full of food storage, and laundry baskets of maternity clothes and primary poster activites all stuffed into one room. Mostly I just close the door. So...definitely for me the kitchen is the one that bothers me the most when its dirty. I hate doing dishes, but I probably hate them sitting there even more. I don't especially love sweeping the floor, but I hate looking at stuff on it even more. I think it requires far too much effort to wash down the stove top after making a meal. But i hate looking at a dirty stove top even more. So I'd have to say that if my entire house was dirty, and I was only going to clean one room...it would definitely be the kitchen. And then I would feel much happier about life.

On a completely different note:
I had a CRAZY patient this morning! He came in with a blood pressure of 215 over 117!!!!!! I thought I'd send him to the hospital immediately. But he is Swiss German, has a crazy accent (not really applicable, but just to add to the description), and believes that all American doctors have no idea what they are talking about and like to prescribe him medications. OKAY! He told me all American doctors and dentists take the blood pressure wrong. Okay, how would you like me to take it sir? He said "We come out of our car, walking about, hurrying in, rushing to sit in our chair, and PRONTO you stick a blood pressure cuff on us. Then you tell us it is too high and put us on medication. I do not like ze medication. I go off of it. It makes my heart irregular, and makes my liver not happy." (You're liver NOT HAPPY? Are you serious? Your LIVER?) He seemed to have a fascination with the liver. It came up with ALL of his medical complaints. So I told him that usually when a blood pressure was particularly high, we let them sit and rest for 5-10 minutes and then took it again. We'd do it three times before we'd decide not to treat him that day. He was still non-compliant. He went off about how old people like him have higher blood pressures, (140 maybe, even 160 maybe, but 200???? I don't think so!!!!) and we should be taught in school to expect that. After I took the blood pressure the second time and it hadn't come down below 200, one of our front desk girls came in to reassure him that we just had his best interest in mind, and I got to listen to all his complaints about American doctors all over again. Only this time he added that, we should reschedule him for THREE weeks because in THREE weeks he will have lost 14 pounds, which he gained while doing a difficult project at work, but now that the project was over, he would lose the weight in THREE weeks, and his blood pressure would significantly drop. Now, his logic isn't that far off, but really. Come on. My front desk friend later told me she came in because she thought he was being too rude to me, and she thought I wasn't standing up enough for myself. Haahaa. Well, his BP finally went down enough that my dr. thought we could proceed, although I felt like making him sign a waiver that stated if at any time during our procedure he had a stroke, we were completely unresponsible, and had told him the risks. Haahaa. But to continue the bad experience, he had to swallow every FIFTH of a SECOND! Most people, on average, I clean about three teeth, or heavily scale 1-2 teeth, and then let them suck/spit/whatever they want. Usually people feel like that is adequate, and I can get their mouth clean in a reasonable amount of time. Not him. Every half of a tooth he was gasping for breath and air and sucking all at once. I knew it would be slow going. Then, after telling him I wouldn't give him anesthetic because of his high BP (and yes, there are anesthetics without epinephrine, but we wanted to ensure he understood that his BP was significant) he asked me when I started to touch each and every tooth "Do you really have to clean that one? It especially hurts" Well, yes, sir, you have 7-8 mm pockets on almost all of your molars, and 9-11 mm pockets on a few. It is going to hurt. And yes, it has to be cleaned, or you will lose all of your teeth, which you stated at your evaluation appointment that you did not want to happen. Needless to say, I did not clean all of his teeth, and he has to come back. Lovely.


Heather and Jake said...

I agree with you. Kitchen for sure!

Anonymous said...

I also agree on the kitchen thing. Except lately, I've been so busy that whenever I get home, I don't want to clean the kitchen. So i just don't go in there haha its so bad... My dishwasher is full of clean dishes, and the sink is slowly gathering more dirty dishes... I promise myself I will clean it soon though haha

Sara said...

I definitely agree with the Kitchen. I hate it when there's crumbs on the counters. OO! or especially when there's little bits of stuck on food at the bottom of the sink. blegh.

Brad and Jenn said...

Brad says all Europeans have bad teeth. At least in Belgium and Holland. He had a Dutch companion who saw Brad using floss and he asked "What's that?". He tried some and ended up losing the first tooth he flossed.
And I would say the kitchen is first on my list to clean, then I feel much better about my house!