Monday, December 19, 2011

Ooh and Aah

Mondays Joys:
I'm not sure I need anything more than that adorable little bundle with those cute stripey tights! Although a few less blow-out diapers from her would be nice. Last night Sterling and I came home and since we had a little sparkling cider left over from our date night the previous evening, we semi-reenacted it by watching another episode of Bones. Its my favorite show. I have started restricting myself from watching it so that I can savor and drag out all the episodes--haahaa! Its also nice, because Sterling gets home from work too late for me to watch an entire movie, but one short episode is perfect! Anyway, back to the story. Sipping sparkling cider, crying away about the Bones episode (this is not a common occurrence, but it was about an abused child....enough said) and then out of nowhere, my leg went to sleep, from my hip down. So I stood up to fix the problem. It was sending painful/shooting tingles all the way down my leg. So, I hopped around a little bit. Then I danced a little bit. Then I cried out in agony a little bit. And just when I thought I might die, Sterling stood up. And started mimicking me. And turned it all into a line dance. And I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight. Which led to more shooting pains, which led to more groaning, which was quite difficult when you are laughing so hard you can't breathe. So I tried to stomp on my foot to make the tingles go away. Sterling thought I was doing the bathroom dance. He continued mimicking. He continued the line dance. I waved my arm at him to stop so I could breathe, and continue living. He added the arm wave into the line dance. I would have stopped moving so that he didn't have any more ideas for his dance, but my leg was still tingling like CRAZY...the hurting kind of tingle. So I continued to shake my leg out to the side of my body. Sterling has the longest legs of anyone I have ever met, and let me tell you, it is one funny spectacle to see him shake his leg out to the side of his body. Eventually I think my sleeping leg woke up. I don't know if the rest of me will ever fully recover though. Haahaaa!
Other joyful things from this week: watching our karaoke song from this summer over and over again. Its even more hilarious now to watch myself nine months pregnant then. Watching my husband give his little sister a blessing for her surgery this week--its definitely one of the biggest reasons I married him, he is amazing. My baby and her two bottom teeth that poke right into her super huge grin. CHRISTMAS preparations!!!!! And fudge. I finally got it to semi-turn out. It tasted fabulous even if it looked a little suspicious. Talking to Sterling's little sister about a probable upcoming wedding---it makes me giddy about getting married all over again! 

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