Sunday, March 28, 2021

Homeschooling day at the beach and Homeschool Halloween Party!

Because blogger hates me lately, it loads all my pictures jumbled up. So rather than re-download these, I'm just going with it. One day was at the beach, the other day was a homeschool Halloween Party at the Harpers. We played a mummy wrap game and these kids were pretty awesome!

I made cookies and brought the items to decorate with. My kind of crafting!

That ocean water is gorgeous.

Will wearing the old Harry Potter wizarding costume my mom made for me and Ethan (matching) and loving Harry Potter like crazy right now---it's been so fun!

This girl and her mood!

So Russ got a Peter Pan costume in his size (thank you to Amy/Andrea cleaning out their stuff this summer) and Ruthie and Molly had matching mermaid. costumes from Aunt Kami (mermaids are in Peter Pan) and we have pirate costume (for Sterling) and my friend had a Wendy costume to loan I just had to get Gracie a Tinker Bell costume. It was too perfect.

Here we are doing an experiment on States of Matter for science. Sometimes, thanks to teachers pay teachers, we have some fun homeschool classes!

The thought occurred to me that the drawer might break, but then I reasoned that it hadn't broken yet---and I really wanted a picture. That crazy girl!

Skyla and Ruthie are ALL water, ALL the time. They never get sick of it and they never need down time.

wearing my old poodle skirt my mom made for me for a 6th grade 50's production. Life is so weird.

Ruthie and Skyla killing it!


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