Saturday, January 21, 2012


I have a to-do list. It's been waiting for me all week long. All week long while I partied with Sterling on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day instead of doing my list. All week long while I went to Ikea with my sisters and got a new pillow (to match my other pillow) for my couch and went visiting teaching that night. All week long while I worked all day Wednesday and came home and did a couple batches of laundry. All week long while I babysat on Thursday and then went to Married's class. All week long while I babysat on Friday and then came back to the babysitting residence to party more that night (and see my adorable 2-week old niece). All week long while I spent the morning looking at Carter's instead of running errands. And now my husband went off to work. And my baby is sleeping soundly (hopefully for a while, I think she's teething....she has been SO fussy the last two days!!!). And I have absolutely NO desire to do my to-do's. I'm going to blame it on the rain. Who wants to run outside with loads of laundry up and down stairs while its raining outside? And rain is not rejuvenating. Not in January. I wish it was snow. And I want to curl up in a ball and take a nap. If next week didn't look so chock-full, I would feel less anxious about getting all this stuff accomplished. One happy note, Sterling is buying me RED merrell's for my birthday!!!!! If you've never worn merrell's, you have never lived. If you didn't know how much I absolutely adore and worship the color red, well, you've never lived with me. He told me they were for hiking this summer. I'm already positive I am going to wear them every single day. Every. Single. Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!! I laughed so hard and had to read it out loud to Dad!!!!! You really did do it right to get your bday wish! Love you, Mom