Saturday, February 23, 2013


Once upon a time I remembered that I got a really cute Valentine outfit for Ruth handed down to her. Only it was past Valentine's. But I thought I'd throw a bow tie on the little man and try for some cute pictures anyway. I really hope taking pictures of them together gets easier. She tries to hold and hug and squish him whenever he's close enough, which means she is never looking at the camera. Oh well. 

When I was getting more frustrated I told Ruth that she could have some chocolate chips if she said 'cheese'. This is what happened:

 She's pretty adorable. And so is her little brother. I can't get over how handsome he is.
 She is in love with the water bottle they gave me at the hospital. Funny girl.
And those are my sweet kids. Will is starting to put on enough weight that Sterling said "his legs look a little less spindly lately" last night. Haahaa. He does feel less spindly. He's getting so big! Already three weeks old, its crazy!

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