Sunday, August 21, 2016

Weber County Fair

My sister Megan took my kids for two days while I worked at an office in Perry (which was awesome, and I loved it, and now I want to go back and sub there every single time I'm in Utah). They had the time of their lives. They rode these Jeep Wheels to the ground, played on the playground, were spoiled rotten by their aunt Megan, and got to enjoy Devaney's 6th birthday party. Too much fun. 
The morning in-between sleeping there I came upstairs to Molly laying completely on top of their dog, Willow, and-with her head completely smooshed against the dogs--poking Willow's eyes and saying "eye, eye, eye". It was hilarious. Molly loves animals SOOO much and she thought Willow was the greatest!

After I worked two days, we headed to the Weber County Fair. It was kids under 12 get in free day so it was the perfect day to go! My kids LOVED it and had such a blast! It was melting hot, but still definitely worth it!

Poor Kiery loves Molly SOOO much and Molly is such an independent little thing she'd just say "NO, GO 'WAY!" whenever Kiery tried to help her. We still love you Kiersten!
Ruth warmed up to petting all the animals.
We loved having so many cousins around ALL the time!!!
Will loved petting the goats so, so much. I was actually kind of surprised. 

The cow and Ruthie match!

Aunt Megan treated everyone to some goat food, and Will helped that goat lick every last crumb off, it was super cute.

Delaney tried valiantly to convince Megan to bring a little piggy home. Haha. They were so cute!
Here's Molly petting a kangaroo at the Down Under show!

My kids loved ALL of the vendors and stopped to get every little trinket that was being handed out, but Home Depot was hands down the favorite. We even had to find space to bring these little creations home on the airplane!
Working hard with his hammer. The last three nails he did all by himself!

Will was over the moon to see these real live transformers! Here's a high-five!

They loved seeing the little ponies everywhere!
I especially liked this Batman and Robin ensemble.
Watching some pony shows.
After this long and hot and wonderful morning (during which Megan treated us to Dole Whips and cotton candy, which was pretty much the greatest thing ever) we left all those kids with some of the teenage nieces and headed to the temple. I love how beautiful they've made the Ogden temple, and it was really great to get to go another time without worrying so much about traveling and babysitting expenses! Then Megan and Jared, mom and dad, and Kami and I headed out to eat and had some more great times. I miss it already!!!! Then mom took my kids home so I could head to Provo in the morning for the dental conference. Which was really fun actually--I had a great time and ran into a few people that I knew, and really enjoyed the evening banquet and fireside given by a member of the 70. Plus they fed us SOOO much! Haha, yay for food!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I love the picture of will
Cheesing with the goat!