Monday, February 18, 2019

January Things

One morning Molly was up early (surprise) and she snuggled right in with Grace and me. When I crawled out of bed I had to take a picture of so much sweetness!

Beautiful flowers to brighten my postpartum life! First successful grocery shopping trip by myself with a newborn. Ha. You'd think you'd be used to it at number 5, but getting back into the swing of things still takes a minute.

This boy is still cuter than life.

Ruthie is the BEST big sister! She is so helpful at holding the baby so I can pull together the last bit of dinner, or even doing tasks now---she can pretty much clean and fold everything and set the table and all the things. And she is so willing to be helpful! Thank you Ruthie, for being the best biggest sister!

I took this picture because I chewed my fingernails down to basically bleeding point during those awful two days in the hospital before having Grace (waiting is not my forte). But three weeks postpartum I was so proud to have nails again, ha!

Called four stores before finding wheat bran to make bran muffins. We drove to pick it up at a store in Boca Raton, and the had a basket of free apples for kids to take. Russ loved it!

The store in Boca was also right next to a Jamba Juice, which I haven't had since Utah this past summer, so I treated myself. Mmm!

Wearing flannel because it cooled down for a minute from the huge winter ice storm the east coast above us was getting!


Can we just talk about how GORGEOUS baby Grace is here?!?!?!

I realize the drying rack is out. But this was a proud moment. I had told Mom, and then Olivia, that ALL OF THE THINGS on my kitchen counters were all the piles of Christmas-y things, and that my counters were usually clear----because I can't handle the clutter! The Christmas clutter stuck around for a good while this year (newborn taking precedence!) but I  did *eventually* get those stacks of papers and neighbor gifts and everything else cleared off so we can cook again! I had to document my small successes!

This kid!

Will has a really good friend Wally from school. He came over one afternoon and they made a fort in their room.

Sweet sleeping Grace.

AWWWWWWWW he looks like he knows exactly what he is doing! What a fantastic big brother!

His tie just melted my heart! Handsome super hero! 

We let the kids have a sleepover in their fort.

I love this picture. 

Russ makes me so happy!

Loooooooooove her.

She has so, so much hair!

She is so teeny, tiny and she loves sleeping on me just like this. And I love it. And I want to remember it forever and ever. And I wish she would stay just like that forever and ever. 

Do you see a Will?

Molly isn't quite old enough to be super patient, but she has her moments where she is just the sweetest little mother and she loves the baby so, so much. 

Oh I just love my girls!

How I get dinner on.

Waiting for Molly's school doors to open (they don't unlock the door until 8:30, which is when school starts) . She is  super awesome at crossing her eyes. And it is pretty hilarious because she really wanted to be able to and actually practiced crossing her eyes for weeks, haha!

Cute girl!


Look at that long hair!

She looks so incredibly sweet. She IS so incredibly sweet.

Heading out to pick the kids up from school. 


Molly "This is the BEST pink unicorn I ever drawed!"

So, so peaceful.
January went by way too fast. When Olivia left and school started up again, we were already a week in. Then it was just right back into the swing of things and time started to fly! Halfway through Sterling started a public health four week rotation that was significantly slower paced than anything we've had during fourth year. He spent the first two weeks writing a thirty page paper in the evenings and weekends. But once that was over we actually got to enjoy him for a minute, yay! And he got some time to hold and enjoy our newborn, and they both were very happy about that!

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