Sunday, March 1, 2020

Temple Square-September 2019 (ruth's Utah class)

Oh here's a pic from the last post--the last Sunday with my fam.
Here's Ruthie carrying Russ along on her walk to the school bus.

And Will pushing Gracie along!

Berries from the garden!

Gracie, who seemed to think it was the most hilarious thing to crawl into a space too small for her, try her very best to squeeze through, and then shriek and shriek when she couldn't. Haha.

The last couple of days that I worked was at an office I picked up in downtown Ogden. Because I was so close to the area I had to drive past this little house that Sterling and I used to say was our house of dreams. It was right next to this TERRIBLE basement apartment I lived in for about six months. 

Ruthie crying about a homeless man holding up a sign. "Aren't we going to help him?" I love her heart so much. So, so much.

I think the very last day before we packed up and headed home to Florida was spent in Salt Lake City, temple square. It was something I'd been wanting to do all summer and since my kids still remember it when I bring it up in lessons and things, I am really glad we made the effort to go. I love temple square.

Touching the temple!

Ahhh these two. We reeeeeally need to live closer!

And I went into Ruthie's class to take a few pics because Ruthie really wanted to remember her Utah class. She loved her teacher so so much and she really was so amazing!

Her class. When we were there a lady from my ward when I lived there came up to me and said "You're Ruth's mom?" and I said yes. Then later she called up my mom to tell her that Ruthie became really good friends with that girl in the wheel chair and she good not get over how kind and sweet Ruth was. She told mom when she found out that I was Ruth's mom, it all made sense. I'd just like to say here and now--Ruth came that way all on her own and we ALL love her for it!!!

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