Monday, March 30, 2009


Today was my very first pedo patients....a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old. I think it went fairly well. The three year old was amazing, opened his mouth like an alligator the entire time, and I was done fairly quickly. It is something different to try to scale those tiny little baby teeth and keep them happy and be quick all at the same time. I felt a little disoriented because I was doing a little different order, but it was really great. The 4 yr old....we did well for a quad. I madly told a princess story to get through two more quads, but then we got to quad number 4, and she was done. And she cried. I sat her up and we brushed her teeth and life got a little better. We counted the last four teeth as I finished scaling them, and we put pretty princess make-up on (varnish fluoride) and she was happy as a camper as they left with one blue glove-balloon, and one pink glove-balloon. It was nice to pass off a 1A exam and just to get them in the chair. I haven't done any sealants yet......oh boy.

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