Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I find it really annoying that every single time I compliment my husband in front of people they just smile and say "you're still newlyweds". It's not so annoying when its someone who actually knows us, but yesterday someone told me that at a dental office that I was subbing at, and she had never even met me until that day. I was saying that my husband is very, very, incredibly patient about everything and we were getting free massages and I said that if he was taught where my muscles are sore after a full day of hygiene, he would rub it for me at night. And they all just laughed at me. But they really didn't get it. Sterling wouldn't even care. He'd do it every night. Maybe some nights with less attentiveness than other nights, but its one of those things that wouldn't even bother him at all. Now, there's other things that he might not do for me, like pick up his socks(EVER!!! He leaves his socks EVERYWHERE, no joke, I found a dirty pair of his socks in our trunk once. How did they get there?) or any other number of things that don't need to be written down. Point of story-it just really bugs me, cause I hear that phrase ALL THE TIME. And aren't we supposed to be happily married? And is it so incredibly impossible to have a happy marriage after your supposed "newlywed" stage? Does it have to be something that is commented on so negatively? Can't they just say "That's so sweet that he would do that for you" or something like that?!?!?!?! Instead of acting like being happy is a one-time thing and will never happen again? And maybe we will do nice things for eachother less frequently when we've been married longer, but I'm sure we'll still do SOME nice things for each other. Bah humbug on everyone who shoots down happily married newlyweds.


Heather and Jake said...

I get this all the time too! Drives me nuts. They always say "well don't get used to it, you two are just newly weds." I totally agree with you!

Kami said...

Ummmm, Lindsay, not to annoy you more, but I have a very sweet husband too, but still, trust the wisdom of the ages and recognize that YOU ARE IN THE NEWLYWED STAGE!!! Hee. Hee.

Kayli said...

Hey Lindsay, eat chicken.

The Haws Family said...

Kami, you prove my point exactly. Of course I'm in the newlywed stage!!!!! And I still think my husband is the most wonderful thing that walks the face of the earth. And I don't like people who feel the need to tell me that its just a stage. So there.

Megan said...

No comment.

Andrea said...

Hmmm. Kami--"wisdom of the ages"??? Thanks for my laugh of the day. I love trusting the "wisdom of the ages" except when it implies I need to do my dishes before I go to bed. :)

Brooke said...

I like to think Derek and I are still in the newlywed stage. He does lots of things for me and compliments me lots! I love it and try to replicate it also!! So have fun and stay in the newlywed stage FOREVER!!!!