2011 has been great for the Haws family! I started the year with my first dental hygiene job. I'd been subbing for the summer and fall since I had graduated, but I took a job at a periodontal office just a few minutes from our little apartment, and I absolutely love it. It has been a huge learning experience to work strictly on perio patients and has honed my skills as a hygienist! Sterling started the year by taking the first half of organic chemistry, studied like crazy and did a fabulous job! In February we celebrated our first anniversary by buying a chest freezer, which I love. We were on the married's committee at the Weber State institute for that semester and had a lot of fun planning activities, dances, and dinners. In May we took a trip to Arches National Park, and a little stop at Canyonlands. I was seven months pregnant, so we carried a LOT of water and took it pretty slow, but managed about six-eight miles a day, which meant we saw just about every accessible arch and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves (minus the outhouse at our campsite!). We did a lot of hiking throughout the rest of the summer, although it got somewhat more limited towards our baby's due date. Also in May, Sterling's little sister Bridget got home from her mission in the Philippines. Since I had only met her briefly before her mission, we had a fun weekend up at a friend's cabin spending time with the family and getting to know her better. The end of July was the Rasmussen Reunion, and I'm not sure I ever want to go tent-camping while nine months pregnant again, but it was a lot of fun! Sterling and I were AMAZING and won this years karaoke contest which can be watched here. Soon after our awesome performance, we welcomed our beautiful baby Ruth Renae Haws into the world! We scheduled a c-section because she was breech, but luckily she flipped for us and everything went wonderfully. I had a seven week maternity leave, three of which Sterling was at home with me before he started school, and that was wonderful (although he did work), and then he started the second half of organic chemistry and I started back to work just two days a week. Life since then has FLOWN by! Ruth is an angel and has slept through the night for a long time now. She just got two bottom teeth that are really sharp, and she likes to squawk really loud, especially at church. Sterling worked really, really hard this semester but did a fabulous job in all of his classes and got in the top 1 percent of the nation in the standardized organic chemistry test. With this semester over he is feeling like medical school is a surety instead of just a dream, and is spending Christmas break floating in the clouds. We are so thankful for our wonderful families, our beautiful, healthy baby girl, our jobs that we both enjoy so much, and for all of the wonderful opportunities we have had this year! We are looking forward to another wonderful year!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Ooh and Aah
Mondays Joys:
I'm not sure I need anything more than that adorable little bundle with those cute stripey tights! Although a few less blow-out diapers from her would be nice. Last night Sterling and I came home and since we had a little sparkling cider left over from our date night the previous evening, we semi-reenacted it by watching another episode of Bones. Its my favorite show. I have started restricting myself from watching it so that I can savor and drag out all the episodes--haahaa! Its also nice, because Sterling gets home from work too late for me to watch an entire movie, but one short episode is perfect! Anyway, back to the story. Sipping sparkling cider, crying away about the Bones episode (this is not a common occurrence, but it was about an abused child....enough said) and then out of nowhere, my leg went to sleep, from my hip down. So I stood up to fix the problem. It was sending painful/shooting tingles all the way down my leg. So, I hopped around a little bit. Then I danced a little bit. Then I cried out in agony a little bit. And just when I thought I might die, Sterling stood up. And started mimicking me. And turned it all into a line dance. And I was laughing so hard I couldn't stand up straight. Which led to more shooting pains, which led to more groaning, which was quite difficult when you are laughing so hard you can't breathe. So I tried to stomp on my foot to make the tingles go away. Sterling thought I was doing the bathroom dance. He continued mimicking. He continued the line dance. I waved my arm at him to stop so I could breathe, and continue living. He added the arm wave into the line dance. I would have stopped moving so that he didn't have any more ideas for his dance, but my leg was still tingling like CRAZY...the hurting kind of tingle. So I continued to shake my leg out to the side of my body. Sterling has the longest legs of anyone I have ever met, and let me tell you, it is one funny spectacle to see him shake his leg out to the side of his body. Eventually I think my sleeping leg woke up. I don't know if the rest of me will ever fully recover though. Haahaaa!
Other joyful things from this week: watching our karaoke song from this summer over and over again. Its even more hilarious now to watch myself nine months pregnant then. Watching my husband give his little sister a blessing for her surgery this week--its definitely one of the biggest reasons I married him, he is amazing. My baby and her two bottom teeth that poke right into her super huge grin. CHRISTMAS preparations!!!!! And fudge. I finally got it to semi-turn out. It tasted fabulous even if it looked a little suspicious. Talking to Sterling's little sister about a probable upcoming wedding---it makes me giddy about getting married all over again!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Photos Around the House
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Rasmussen Family Christmas Party
This was the reindeer song. We went to a nursing home and all the grandkids performed. They did an awesome job, lots of awesome piano solos and great songs! |
This shows everyone and the people watching, they loved it! |
Dad has always jiggled the grandkids on his knee. I have recently discovered that it is difficult to get a shot without your child being blurry because of this. |
Is this performing time or social hour? Haaha. |
I had to take a picture of Ana cause she looked so cute standing there. |
Myles got braces right before our party. That means that there are four grandkids with braces now: Myles, Ana, Garrett and Brynne. |
Awww...Lynnaea is oh so beautiful! |
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Haws Update
Sterling brought these flowers home the other night. You can't really tell, but that bright red gerber daisy is AMAZING and just pops right out. Its beautiful. |
My man and my baby. |
Sterling got an A- in organic chemistry. He was a little dissapointed, but for the most failed premed requirement, I'd say he did an AMAZING job! Check!
Sterling took his last final for this semester. Check.
Sterling put the first wrapped present under the Christmas tree. Check. And now I am SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!
My boss gave us a wreath for our door. Now we look duly festive on the outside. Check.
Ruth got two shots today and an oral vaccination. Check. (It was so, so, so, so, SO sad! I just had to keep reminding myself that it is not one iota as sad as her getting a deathly sickness)
Ruth is 24 and a half inches long, she's grown four and a half inches in four months! It's crazy how fast babies grow! She also now weighs fourteen pounds...no wonder I get tired lugging her carseat around! Check.
Ruth is also pretty much in the fiftieth percentile for everything. She can do everything on the milestone charts, and then some, plus has a tooth already, but still can't roll over. I kinda think she'll crawl first. She doesn't even try to roll over. Haahaa. Check?
Christmas presents for EVERYONE on my list are just about finished. Check.
Started reading our one-a-day Christmas story book last night, so we'll have to play catch-up for a while, but oh so worth it! And I'm carrying on the family tradition of mom crying through every story. Sterling was reading the story last night and looked over and me and just busted up laughing, but it was touching, ok! Check.
My wedding book came in the mail and I am in LOVE with it, totally worth the money. Check.
Try nine month clothes on your four month baby. A lot of them just might fit. Check
Keep nose-sucker close at hand for the next little while. Check.
We've had our share of poo incidents lately, definitely time to upgrade to the next size of diapers. Check.
Umm...thats about all. I tried making fudge, and failed again. Uncheck. Mom said maybe making two batches at once would work better. I might try it tonight. But I don't want to waste the cream.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
There arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter!
Sterling woke up at 5:45ish this morning, and as he was getting ready the baby woke up (she had slept all the way from 8:30pm the night before! YAY!) so he brought her in to me to feed her. All of the sudden our apartment shook like we were in the middle of a tornado, so we both just listened for a minute, and then there was a huge SNAP! outside our window, and a bright burst of light. I was duly scared, and wondered what was going on. But, I fed my baby, Sterling went to the gym, we fell back asleep while he was gone, and woke up again when he came back. Then, we drove him to campus. On the way he got a phone call saying something about a "Code Purple" on campus, and to not leave and walk between any of the buildings. Sterling was a little confused...until we got out of our parking lot. (They cancelled all classes today)
There was debri all over the roads. The traffic lights were out. One had fallen completely off its pole. The street signs were wrapped around the poles they were on. As we continued on, it got much worse. There were so many uprooted trees by Weber State Credit Union (a short-cut we normally take to campus) that you could only drive one-way, so it wasn't much of a short-cut. Huge evergreen trees had toppled over, and taken half of the people's lawns up with the roots. Driving past some construction on campus there was more debri than ever. Sterling could hardly get out of the car to walk into the building. He called me straightaway upon getting into the library and told me to go straight home. Unfortunately, I had a 10am appointment, and was already on 25th street. On my way I saw several basketball hoops blown over, a few fences blown into the sides of houses, tons of branches broken off, and several more uprooted trees with the people's lawns mostly pulled up. Sterling heard that a tree landed on a car on Harrison Blvd, and that lots of windows got blown out. Lots of business signs were blown off and broken into smaller bits. I almost couldn't breathe walking into my appt, and kept a tight hold on the blanket over Ruth's face. After that though, it seemed to slowly get better, and by 2 pm the wind was mostly gone in our area. That was a mighty fierce wind!!!
Sterling's story from on campus: He has a friend that studies with them (well, he said he doesn't study with them, but he hangs around the people he studies Organic Chemistry with) and he was walking towards the library and saw a girl struggling to walk. So he went up and linked arms with her to help her get to the building. He was holding his laptop in his other arm. A HUGE gust of wind came, and he started to loose his grip on his laptop, so he let go of the girls hand and ran towards the library, when he turned around the girl had fallen, and the wind had actually made her skid along the pavement. The ambulance came and she had fractures on her arms (elbow? I can't quite remember) CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I heard the ambulance all morning long in my apartment, because we live right next to McKay Dee Hospital.
So instead of running the BILLION errands I had (its the only day I can run errands this week due to work, babysitting, family party, ward party, etc. so it was quite a bummer) I made banana bread, regular bread, and chili. All turned out okay. Except Sterling wanted me to come pick him up this afternoon, and my bread ended up rising WAY too much in the pans, and it got a little scabacious looking. Oh well. Oh yeah, and the snap outside our window was a power line snapping. Lovely. There is still lots of power out in Ogden-Kaysville area (my bro-in-law lives a few blocks away and has no power, and my mother-in-law lives in Kaysville and has no power) and a lot of the traffic lights are still out. We, luckily, have our power.
There was debri all over the roads. The traffic lights were out. One had fallen completely off its pole. The street signs were wrapped around the poles they were on. As we continued on, it got much worse. There were so many uprooted trees by Weber State Credit Union (a short-cut we normally take to campus) that you could only drive one-way, so it wasn't much of a short-cut. Huge evergreen trees had toppled over, and taken half of the people's lawns up with the roots. Driving past some construction on campus there was more debri than ever. Sterling could hardly get out of the car to walk into the building. He called me straightaway upon getting into the library and told me to go straight home. Unfortunately, I had a 10am appointment, and was already on 25th street. On my way I saw several basketball hoops blown over, a few fences blown into the sides of houses, tons of branches broken off, and several more uprooted trees with the people's lawns mostly pulled up. Sterling heard that a tree landed on a car on Harrison Blvd, and that lots of windows got blown out. Lots of business signs were blown off and broken into smaller bits. I almost couldn't breathe walking into my appt, and kept a tight hold on the blanket over Ruth's face. After that though, it seemed to slowly get better, and by 2 pm the wind was mostly gone in our area. That was a mighty fierce wind!!!
Sterling's story from on campus: He has a friend that studies with them (well, he said he doesn't study with them, but he hangs around the people he studies Organic Chemistry with) and he was walking towards the library and saw a girl struggling to walk. So he went up and linked arms with her to help her get to the building. He was holding his laptop in his other arm. A HUGE gust of wind came, and he started to loose his grip on his laptop, so he let go of the girls hand and ran towards the library, when he turned around the girl had fallen, and the wind had actually made her skid along the pavement. The ambulance came and she had fractures on her arms (elbow? I can't quite remember) CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I heard the ambulance all morning long in my apartment, because we live right next to McKay Dee Hospital.
So instead of running the BILLION errands I had (its the only day I can run errands this week due to work, babysitting, family party, ward party, etc. so it was quite a bummer) I made banana bread, regular bread, and chili. All turned out okay. Except Sterling wanted me to come pick him up this afternoon, and my bread ended up rising WAY too much in the pans, and it got a little scabacious looking. Oh well. Oh yeah, and the snap outside our window was a power line snapping. Lovely. There is still lots of power out in Ogden-Kaysville area (my bro-in-law lives a few blocks away and has no power, and my mother-in-law lives in Kaysville and has no power) and a lot of the traffic lights are still out. We, luckily, have our power.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Betrayed By Mama
Little Ruthie felt more than a little bit betrayed tonight. Daddy has had a really hard time the last few times he babysat because she won't drink from a bottle. She will cry and fuss and scream for four hours until I can come home for my lunch break before she will take a bottle. Luckily, this morning it only took an hour before she decided to eat. She never used to do this, but she has been getting worse about it for the last few weeks. I decided that I would feed her one bottle each evening, to put her to sleep, for the next little while so that she gets more used to the bottle. And since I'm home, I can just pump and keep my milk going.
But tonight was torture. Torture to the extreme power. I might not be able to do this. She'll be eating solid foods sometime soon and won't need to drink her bottle, right? She screamed for forty-five minutes straight. But the worst part was the tears running down her little face, being blinked out of her beautiful little lashes. And the even worse part was her little body shaking to breathe because she was so sad. And the even WORSE part was the way her big eyes looked up at me and just couldn't figure out why HER MAMA wouldn't just feed her like a good, wonderful, normal mama would. Her mama was betraying her. Her mama was definitely not taking good care of her and not loving her. I wanted to cry right along with her. It was the most miserable feeling. Usually when she cries I don't feel this way, because I know I have done every possible thing to make her happy and well-cared for. But I just felt like I was neglecting my own poor, little baby. Worst mother ever award. Then I think about her poor babysitters for the next while, and I know I've got to get her more accustomed to this.
But tonight was torture. Torture to the extreme power. I might not be able to do this. She'll be eating solid foods sometime soon and won't need to drink her bottle, right? She screamed for forty-five minutes straight. But the worst part was the tears running down her little face, being blinked out of her beautiful little lashes. And the even worse part was her little body shaking to breathe because she was so sad. And the even WORSE part was the way her big eyes looked up at me and just couldn't figure out why HER MAMA wouldn't just feed her like a good, wonderful, normal mama would. Her mama was betraying her. Her mama was definitely not taking good care of her and not loving her. I wanted to cry right along with her. It was the most miserable feeling. Usually when she cries I don't feel this way, because I know I have done every possible thing to make her happy and well-cared for. But I just felt like I was neglecting my own poor, little baby. Worst mother ever award. Then I think about her poor babysitters for the next while, and I know I've got to get her more accustomed to this.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Random Recent Pics
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday's Joys 11-21-11
- the weight of my baby, its just perfect for squeezing and hugging and cuddling, can she stay this size forever?
- I finally bought our wedding book! The site I created it on was having a 25% off sale the last few days, so I put in a few more changes (I've been making small changes for pretty much the last year) and put it in my cart and bought it! I'm so excited!
- macademia/chocolate/COCONUT thingy's that my sister Megan brought me back from Hawaii. The coconut makes ALL the difference.
- Yesterday my gravy turned out just like my mother's for the very first time making it on my own. It's usually edible...but yesterday it tasted delish!
- Christmas presents. I have picked out what I WANT to get everyone on my shopping list, now I just have the exciting/fun part of picking it out, finding the best deals, creating them, and making everything just perfect---makes me feel the magic of Christmas!
Disney on Ice
My older sister Megan and her husband went to Hawaii for two weeks. My mom and I split the days to babysit her kids...well, mostly my mom. I think I babysat five days and she was gone a lot longer. Anyway, point of story I got to surprise her kids and take them to Disney on Ice!!! I pulled them all out of school early and Danica was the only one who knew why! (and every single person who helped me said to the kids"Your sister is here" do I really look that young?) The whole way to SLC they were guessing, and then once in SLC Myles saw a sign about it, and guessed thats what we were going to.
The end. It was a fabulous night. Then we took all the kids to Chuck-a-Rama. They were SO excited! Apparently their dad doesn't like Chuckarama, so they never get to go. I can see why my parents never went out to dinner, its too much work(and money).I'd rather make dinner at home and do the dishes and send them all to bed. But it was really fun to have them so excited all night long.
This is Kiersten, Danica and Ruth. Kiersten was probably the most fun person to watch. Every time a princess came on the ice her jaw dropped and she would look over at me like "Are we really here?" |
Lynnaea was also very excited about being there. |
My handsome hubby and Devaney. |
Myles and Flash...I mean Anders. We got them some cotton candy and it came with a mask, Anders chose the Flash mask and wore it all night long. |
This is how big my baby's eyes got whenever fireworks went off or there were loud noises....so pretty much the entire time. |
Kiersten was not into taking this picture, and Devaney was more than a little frustrated at being held still. |
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