Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Just Can't Help Myself

I suppose I don't have to apologize for so many baby pictures, since this is my blog, and it is my baby, and it's your own personal choice to look at the pictures. And who wouldn't want to look at such beautiful pictures all day long? Apparently though, not everyone LOVES the bug-eye pictures like I do, so I kept those to a minimum. Haahaa. Sterling and I will ooh and aah over her bug eyes on our own time.

PS I should be a whet nurse. Better yet, someone should pay me for my milk. Because, let me assure you, having SO MUCH extra milk has been the WORST part of recovery.

PPS I told Sterling today, while standing in the bathroom and looking in the mirror, that extra oily skin after having a baby bites. He said "The oil is what gives people a new-mom glow" and I said "My nose is not glowing" and he replied "It Rudolph." Thank you, hon, I knew you'd be there to support me! It would be funnier if it wasn't so true.

PPPS I am in love with this first picture. SO in love. I need my sister Kayli to teach me photography. Better yet, I should read the instruction manual on our new camera, cause I think most of my issues are to do with the terrible lighting in our little apartment.

I know her head looks crinked, but I promise its supported and she is happily sleeping!


Kayli said...

That last picture is sooooooo beautiful. She is so pretty. Oh dear, it makes me want a newborn and I have a baby of my own!
I told you engorgement was a treat, didn't I.

Allen and Alexis McCracken said...

She's a doll! Speaking of getting paid for your milk, my cousin adopted a baby who was born at 26 weeks and her baby needs milk. I've been pumping for her but she's always looking for more milk, if you're interested and that doesn't weird you out! Let me know. My phone number is 801.389.8340