Friday, October 14, 2011


Hat's off to all working mom's---cause being a mom is a full-time job, and anything over and above that deserves kudos. This past week was crazy. Partly self-induced, and partly just happened that way. Friday I was in Provo (to pick up some awesome costumes, that Kami said I had to let her post about, since she made the amazing things) and hanging out with my friend Aleesha. Then Saturday I was in Logan, so Sterling could take a free, practice MCAT. I had a ton of projects to finish at mom's house. I finished two. I'm learning to count that as fabulous. But we did make it to the temple-huge plus. Sunday we were in Kaysville partying for Sterling's little brother Marlowe's birthday. Monday I was in Morgan babysitting my sister Megan's chillians. And Tuesday and Wednesday I was working. Did you catch all that? Provo, Logan, Kaysville, Morgan, and then two days of working. That all equals to not much HOME-time. Then to top it all off, there was a work convention thingy on Thursday that everyone FORGOT to mention to me, until the DAY before. I can't really blame them too much, it was planned while I was on maternity leave, and it was on a Thursday so everyone would be there anyway---except me, because I only work Tuesdays and Wednesdays. To sum up the craziness, I told mom she could borrow our car because I was just going to be home, only to find out Sterling had scheduled some job shadowing hours with a dr. and needed the car, and so mom  had to walk to her dr's and eye appt. Sorry mom. Also, I had no vehicle so my co-worker had to pick me up and drop me off. I also had to walk Ruthie to the babysitter in the morning. With the car seat. Because Sterling would pick her up with a car and need the car seat. So Ruthie went to the visiting teachers house from 8-11. Then Sterling finished job shadowing and picked her up. He met up with our downstairs neighbor on campus. She had a class that got out at 11:20 and Sterling's class started at 11:30. They exchanged the baby. She brought Ruthie home, and when mom walked back to our apartment from her house, she got the baby. Eventually I got home and saw my baby. Sigh.

So today, I FINALLY had an entire day home. So what did we do? After dropping Sterling off at his 7:30am class, we crawled back into bed. Ruthie right beside me. Don't tell Sterling. He hates it when I let her sleep with me. Eventually we got up, ate, and meandered around the house slowly picking up the debri of the last week of not being home. I cleaned the bathroom. I did two batches of laundry. I watched an episode of Bones. I fed my baby. I held my baby. I rocked my baby. I looked at my baby. I held her even when she was sleeping---not something I normally have time to do. We made a small excursion to JCPenney's to look for khaki pants for Sterling cause he needs new pants for work. Then I came home and put a roast on (when you are never home, you never get real meals, and I really really start to miss them) and then went on a stroller walk around our neighborhood. It was perfect weather. I love fall evenings. We had roast, mashed potatoes, gravy (kinda, gravy is still not my forte), carrots&onions, and cranberry juice for dinner. And I had some leftover cookie dough in the fridge from last week that we made for dessert. Sterling's little brother Marlowe came over to get his birthday present and we sang around the piano, Sterling sang with his guitar and Marlowe made up harmony's, I fed my baby, and held her, and put her to bed. So pretty much it was a PERFECT day. I want to stay home every day. Someday I will. It's on my bucket list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got your perfect "fall" day in. I like the part of the singing with the guitar. Now you have to come out and sing for me!!! Love you.