Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cupboard Time

Missed the smile and caught the eyes closed. Haahaa

Yes, we live in a basement apartment. And yes, the insides of our cupboards really look like that. It's the good life. Ruth discovered that this cupboard goes all the way through to the other side, so she regularly pulls everything out, and crawls through, and around, and through again, and again...and again. You get the idea. Yes...she is wearing pink. Yes, that only happens when we have no laundry. And yes, her hair isn't done. And yes, it looks like she spilled her drink all down her shirt. Like I said, we're livin' the good life. And it really is good.


Andrea said...

What do you have against pink? She looks cute in it.

Anonymous said...

Ruth is sooooo cute!!!
:) Ana