Monday, November 18, 2013


After a wild ride in the snow to drop of Danica and Lynnaea (my nieces babysat Friday night and then just slept over since we were home pretty late) I decided it was a stay home and cozy up to the fire sort of a day. (I even saw a car spin off the road this morning. I hate driving in snow.) So cozy-up is just what we did!

We decided to pull out some snow gear and Will is just so handsome in his warm little hat!

That double chin! Gah! I love it.

Ruth and I had a tea party, with lots of marshmallows involved. Apparently it was not THAT exciting because she would not smile at me when I tried to take a picture.  She kept wanting me to use my old camera to take her picture, but it is broken and so I wanted to use the camera that actually WORKS and she was not a fan.

Today in the van Will was fussing a bit on his way to falling asleep and every time he fussed Ruth would say, "It's ok-k Will. It's ok-k." I don't know why she says the 'k' twice, but its pretty cute. 

Also, shout out to my husband who took the kids with him to get an oil change in our car because I really wanted to clean all three bathrooms today and knew that would be impossible with a clingy baby and ornery toddler (they seem clingy and ornery every time I even think about cleaning a bathroom). It's amazing how fast you can clean when you don't have to keep redirecting children out of the bathroom. So thank you Sterling, it was a nice break, even if I was cleaning toilets. Haha.

On Sunday Ruthie asked me to put this hat on her care bear. It went over the bear's eyes and Ruthie was not impressed. I walked past later and heard her saying "I sorry your eyes, I sorry." to her bear. Haha!

In other news, I decided the other night when I pulled Ruth out of the tub that her hair was getting a little scraggly. So...I cut it. She had a layer in back that her cousin Devaney cut for her (it didn't look too bad as long as Ruth's hair was up or curled) and it made the back of her hair really messy, and the front was getting frizzy ends. I think it turned out really nicely. I trimmed enough off that I could blend the chopped hair into a nice layer in the back and it looks a lot better I think. She has some bed-head cowlicks in the below picture, but I still think it looks nice. (Don't you love her outfit choice, haha?)

1 comment:

Kayli said...

I love Will's bulldog shirt and Ruthie's hair is really cute!