Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Will Pre-K Christmas Program + Playing Outside

This is my cute little man on Sunday morning at the First United Methodist Church. It was such a beautiful service. And the pianist was this old, old man who was absolutely AMAZING. They had gorgeous flowers, great topics, and Sterling and I said if we ever got tired of our church (haha) we'd totally go to this one---plus all the old ladies and our baby!

 Afternoons lately have been sublime. The temps around here have dropped (and in the last two days have been colder than I have ever experienced in Florida...walking Ruth to school in 48 degrees and only hitting 69 in the afternoon!) and it makes for beautiful afternoons. I love love love love love living here in Bexley Park. Living somewhere that my kids can go outside and play on the sidewalk is still a little mindblowing to me. I probably won't even be able to handle a front and backyard---that just is too dreamy! But I let the kids go color with chalk and blow bubbles and ride their bike up and down the sidewalk without crossing the streets and it is absolute heaven.

Beautiful Florida winter.

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