Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sunday Afternoon Jan 2018

This girl and that hair. And when did she grow up into this old person? I can't handle it.

Ruthie asked to use my camera. I believe in cool, stretchy skirts on Sundays and marvel t-shirts and Life is Good hoodies, apparently. It's going to be weird when palm trees aren't a perfectly normal part of the background of our lives.

Then Will wanted to take a picture with the camera.
Three of my kids and my husband are in that slide. Let me tell you how it went. A whole lot of chatter at the top before anyone even attempted going's a good thing we were the only ones there...and then a riot of laughter and slow scooting down the slide. Thirty minutes later (I may exaggerate just a bit) they all made it out with massive smiles on their faces. Sterling reports that tunnel slides are not made for people who are 6 foot 4. Glad to know that he did the science and researched it for us.

This was a delightful Sunday afternoon (yay for 9 o'clock church! And actually we had Regional Conference so it was just 10-12 and no meetings!) wherein we talked about what type of dog we want once we a)have a backyard and b)don't have anymore babies (Ruth's memory, not mine..haha!). Will wants a Forever Puppy and softness is a high priority. I learned that it's not just me--even Sterling acknowledged that carrying Russell is the exact equivalent to carrying a twenty pound bowling ball. And we all know how fun it is to carry bowling balls around. I mean, I do it all the time and I couldn't be happier. Sterling also spent twenty minutes convincing Russell that his first words will, in fact, be 'dada'. Russell laughed at him a lot, so I'm not sure how convinced he was, but it was epicly adorable. Will asked his endless stream of 'why' questions (I keep meaning to write his questions down the minute he asks them---he asks things I have no idea about, like how do they fill and empty water towers?) and it was nice to have daddy around to actually explain them. Ruthie showed amazing endurance when she kept walking even when her new sandals started rubbing a blister. And everyone's favorite color was acknowledged and dissected. I think it was capital day! Here's to more glorious Sunday's before the weather warms up again!

1 comment:

Kami said...

Ruth does have gorgeous hair! Ha. Ha.--Sterling on the slide.