Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Last of Spring Break

One of the mornings of Spring Break we headed over to the library. Mainly because we had finished listening to all of the Magic Treehouse audio books that we had, and Will was pretty insistent that we get the next set :). While we were there, the nice librarians told us it was free play time--and so we checked it out and had a great time! They had so many fun toys!

I love that everything but Russ is out of focus on this one! He stayed on really well and LOVED being pushed by Will.

We played out on the front porch almost every afternoon. Here they are playing Christmas. They all have to lay down and go to sleep and then Ruthie was Santa Claus.

My favorite part of this is that she told me that all the purple was her power!

On Sunday afternoon Sterling helped me make these brookies. They were delicious. But a lot of work. Basically you are making cookies and brownies for one treat. BUT it made enough that we still have some stashed in the freezer, so thats a plus.

This is a boy who just pooed on his mom, his clothes, and everything else in sight...and somehow I didn't have any diapers with me. I swear, the more kids you have, the less you pack around. Because you only need things about 2% of the time and its not worth packing it for that! So we looked around the van (which I had just cleaned so there was nothing) and found a bib. He came home loincloth style and LUCKILY was still dry so I could just stick him right into the tub and not have to clean his car seat. YAY! It made me think of my sister Kayli saying that one time in Switzerland someone had graciously shared wipes. And I was thinking--you have six kids? How did you not have wipes on hand?--but I get it. Totally. Luckily, for this venture I DID have wipes, so all was well. PLUS LOOK HOW ADORABLE HE IS!
Guys, it was a fantastic Spring Break. Luckily for us, we had gorgeous weather the entire time. Combined with me not having anything pressing to do so I could just thoroughly PLAY with my kids the entire time and pretend like we were on vacation--it made for such a fun week. Although, I've gotta say, by Saturday I was thinking--can we just have a break from each other? My kids needed some solo time, haha. But they really play so well--and it was such beautiful weather. I am so grateful the cooler weather stuck around, because we are close to 90s this last week and I am starting to remember, all too well, the sweltering heat that is Florida summers. And I am so glad that this cool winter held out for Spring Break!

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