Monday, July 23, 2018

Morgan Valley Half Marathon

This deserves an entire blog post. Because a lot of training went into this. I am not a runner. I hate running. I hate having to breathe when you feel like you can't breathe, I hate trying to push myself, because I am not at all competitive in running, and it's one way of working out that I have never enjoyed. But I tried it out. I've been going to the gym--but I haven't been able to do a lot of my favorite classes since having Russ. I think my ribs expanded and my muscles pulled apart and it has ben SLOW getting back in shape. I feel like I FINALLY got there with lots of hard work and perseverance...and now I'm going to put my body through it all again, haha. But training and running for this has actually been...dare I say it...kind of exhilarating. My body felt strong and I felt like I was doing awesome as I slowly worked down to 9 and even 8 minute mile times--which felt like a big deal when you are doing 5 miles or so at a time! It definitely got harder with morning sickness, coming to Utah, before that I couldn't take my kids to the gym for a while because they had been my time was not my hoped for. But my goal had been 2 hours and I ended up doing it in 2 hours and 22 minutes. For a pregnant person, I'm calling it a win! Thank you to my awesome family for running it with me and keeping me motivated! Maybe we'll do it again a year after I have this baby girl!!

This is Bridget and I getting ready to cross the finish line. I thought I had saved some reserve to be able to put more out there at the end...but I guess after 13 miles my body was like, uh, no.  

Me stuffing my face with chocolate and a nasty energy gel they handed me at mile 9.

My sister Megan, my little brother Ethan, my niece Danica, and my sister-in-law Bridget ran with me!

 I did it. I have officially ran a half marathon.

Freezing like crazy before the race in 38 degree weather!!!! UTAH I CANNOT HANDLE THIS! MY BLOOD WAS FROZEN!
After running all morning, we headed to the Roy pool where I sat. And my kids went down the slides 5 billion times thanks to Lynnaea and Hazel being amazingly kind to take them, and then jumping off the high dive 5 billion times. This is Ruthie.


1 comment:

Kami said...

I'm so impressed you ran that!!! Also impressed that your kids weren't scared to jump from that high. Mine will barely jump from a low diving board, and that's my oldest ones.