Sunday, January 24, 2021

Molly is 6!

She picked pink cupcakes (since Grandma had already made her a cake in Utah) and loved every bit of them. These photos are out of order but she LOVES bugs and wants to be an entomologist when she grows up--so she got a bug kit and a few bug catching tools and she LOVED it! So then of course we had to take a walk the next morning (and include an entire bug unit in our first science section of homeschooling!) and try out all her cool stuff. Huge success. Since then she has caught a lot of cool things but I think the craziest was a rhino beetle. That thing was huge and ugly and sat on my counter for far too long. Also--I've never seen anything like it so it was also kind of awesome. Her favorites are letting millipedes climb up her arm and holding love bugs in her cupped hands. She also loves butterflies. And mermaids. And pink. And purple. And anything sparkly. And RAINBOWS. She also got a butterfly growing kit and we ordered the larva, let them sit in our kitchen (even the babysitter was here enough to keep tabs on it), they hatched in our cage, and they all lived! We set them free and I think Molly loved it so so much!

Molly has a fantastic sense of humor and keeps up so well with her older siblings that I have to remind myself she just started kindergarten. She loves to play and has a huge imagination and a giant heart that I just adore. She sings...constantly. We love you Molly! Happy six!

Ready to catch bugs!


1 comment:

kami said...

I didn't know Molly loved bugs. That's cool. She should come visit and see our Dubia roaches and meal worms and super worms. Ugh.