Sunday, January 24, 2021

More Jumbled August because it's moving my photos all around

So because blogger puts everything in crazy order, and I don't want to spend the time to fix it, we have: a beach day. A play on the porch day. A bike ride. Photos on a Sunday. And a few around the house. 

This is Delray Beach parks officially being open for the first time since COVID closures in March!!!

They play puppies and kitties together all the time and its so cute.

Molly's rhino beetle she found at the playground.

Making pizza.

playing puppies

mosquito bite-poor girl!

Homeschool snack time picnic

Russ and Grace spent the first five months of homeschooling wanting to do EXACTLY what everyone else was doing. Recently, they've given up and just go play together. Which is dangerous, but also good.

I got some sticker by number books as rewards--and my kids LOVE them! They look so cool when it's all finished.

See how there's no cupboard front on that cupboard? yeah...that was due to a recent hide and go seek game. Oops.

Looking at all these lovely photos-I can almost forget how absolutely awfully hot and humid and unbearable it was outside and how sweaty and miserable we always were when we were outside. The water saves us. During this time I was BEGGING our HOA to open our pool (several people I knew had their pools reopened) and they did not listen for that entire grueling month and for most of September. Luckily we survived and found lots of fun ways to play in water anyway--thank goodness the beaches were open again!


1 comment:

kami said...

I ADORE your blue dress! And that beetle is intense. Crazy.