Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Can I just scream I AM SO SICK OF CANCELLATIONS!!!!!! Okay, so in the past couple of weeks there have been some legit reasons, like blizzards and stuck cars, etc. But when I had an interpreter call yesterday afternoon, and you said you'd be there, or you forgot to get a babysitter....really guys???????
Fortunately, Mr. Salomon felt sorry for me and the fact that I have called forty thousand people off the resource list multiple times in my last couple of clinic sessions, and he called all the people he had, and we found one. He can come in a half hour, which puts me an hour behind. But.....better than nothing I suppose, lets just hope he's a decent classification. Because really, I could have my sister-in-law come in again, but it wouldn't do anything for me.
My morning patient, due to a cancellation, was a DH buddy Meagan, so I had nothing to do, although I did practice some anesthesia on her, which was great---she's a dove! Love ya Meagan!
I feel like I could do a decent job clinically if I could JUST GET A PATIENT IN THE CHAIR!
Although, lunch was great, and there are some happy groomals up at www.timelessmemoriesbymichelle.blogspot.com and my professor walked by as I was looking at the pictures and said "You are actually quite beautiful." HAHAHAHAHAAA! Thanks, I think.

Okay, so I got a patient, one hour late, but already had xrays from the dental clinic, so that saved time. Serious Class II. And I bombed. Lets just say, I missed more areas than probably I have combined the last two semesters (all on four teeth).
And can I just say wisdom teeth are absolutely BEASTLY?

Things Lindsay needs to learn:
-ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT! Toe of the instrument needs to adapt to the tooth surface!
-use instruments that are made for that kind of calculus. Namely, PULL OUT YOUR GRACEY'S NEXT TIME!
-And PS, who knew that using a palm up fulcrum on buccal upper right was so helpful?
-And remember parallel shank.

Okay, so basically Lindsay needs to retake first year, first semester. Ahem.
In my defense it was REALLY HARD CALCULUS!
which is happy.

1 comment:

Kayli said...

"You are actually quite beautiful" --what's that all about? You're my most beautiful little sister in the UNIVERSE!!!!!! ;)

Yesterday I was really excited to see more pictures, and when Brett got home I told him at dinner time that there were MORE pictures of you posted, and he said, "Oh good--I've been waiting my whole life." Kids these days.

Is that photographer coming to your actual wedding?

I love you! You're getting married in 15 days!!

Ethne says, "good morning."