Thursday, January 21, 2010


I was hoping that both/either of my patients today would be a nice board patient. Alas, a recall after FIVE years patient that had previously been a II/V, was still a V. She had some pretty sweet, hard manibular lingual anterior calculus. My second patient of the day I thought for sure would be a Class II. Yeah, he was a 1B. Annoyingly enough though, he was a difficult class 1B. Which is annoying because you have to spend enough time to go in the four and five millimeter pockets, and you have calculus that you are chipping off....but you are just getting the credit for a 1B. Sigh.

So----anyone with pocketing, bone loss, and lots of calculus want to find me RIGHT AWAY and be my board patient??? That would be great, thanks.

On a happier note, my wedding invitations came yesterday, and I got them from my dad this afternoon and they are AWESOME!!!! My sister Kami did it on the computer for me because I decided I didn't really care that much about my invitations, and we could make it as cheap as possible. They are so beautiful! I just love, love, LOVE them! Well, that could be because it has a picture of Sterling. And its red. Can't really go wrong there. Other than that, just 21 days left! YAY!

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