Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm blogging about clinic again and it feels really good. It feels good to be in clinic and feeling like life is just normal...unfortunately my test looming ahead of me tomorrow is somewhat suffocating that contented feeling. I had a Class III patient scheduled this morning, that I needed to help with completing requirements, and she called thirty minutes beforehand and her ride hadn't showed up to bring her. So, Kara, being the sharp thinker that she is, gave me her patient (full mouth Class III) and she took an extra 1B pt that Julie had, and all of us were able to fulfill the requirements we needed. So happy.

This afternoon I had a recall Class IV that I saw last semester. Last semester she had a 12mm pocket, and beside it was a 9mm pocket. I put her on peridex and put Arestin in those two sites. The deepest pocket now...a 7. So happy! She also had a lot of calculus buildup from using the Peridex, and that was a lot of fun. But it was neat to see the improved condition of her mouth. More of a Class II now, rather than a III/IV...evolving to a V. If that makes any sense.

I had McKenna scramble with me to clean my unit for another patient...who cancelled. Sigh. I didn't need that patient, but I have a feeling he'll want to reschedule, which is kinda lame, cause I don't have the space in my schedule to schedule anybody else. I have two spots left, and two people who want them, but haven't confirmed yet.

Which means.....THE SEMESTER IS ALMOST OVER! I'M ALMOST FINISHED SCHOOL! ONE MORE BIG EXAM! I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, especially since I think I might not do so hot on the written exam. Oh well. I'm just nervous about clinical, and finding out whether I passed or not. Its the one that really matters. The $1100 question.

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