Monday, May 3, 2010

Eight Inches!

Here is me with the longest hair I have ever had in my whole entire existence. And it makes me kinda sad. Cause that's about three years/four years of growing out my hair. And I liked it long. It was just a big hassle. And lots of work. And it took a long time to blow-dry. And it was INCREDIBLY damaged....because I made the big mistake of being in dental hygiene where your hair has to be pulled back just about every single day, and not only pulled back, but SLICKED back from your I put it in a head band every day. And eventually, that caused some major breakage. So....I chopped eight inches off.

And here is what it looks like now. The lady who cut it did a fabulous job, but it was quite a shocker to have so much cut off at once. So I told her to stop cutting. But then I got home later that night and decided to put more layers in. So mom cut more for me. And I like it. I think....I'm still really getting used to it. It's normal, cause that's how my hair has been most of my life, but its still a little shocking, and I miss my long hair.


Kayli said...

Cute! But I want to have long hair right now, so I'm sad you cut yours. (very logical, I know). And is that a snowman decoration still up in mom's house?

How's life Lindsay? Come visit!!

Aleesha Burke said...

I love it. I think it is a really cute haircut. Adam says it is cut too and that he doesn't even recognize you since he has only known you with long hair. That is weird to me cause I have mostly known you with short hair. I also think it kind of makes you look older. Anyway you look fabulous. Sorry you miss your eight inches though.