Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Day of Tears

I spilled a whole tupperware bucket of white sugar all over our floor today. I spilled it into the kitchen, and it went from the tile and well into the carpet. Sigh. I was already running late, so Sterling, very kindly, told me he would drop me off at work and come back and clean it up. I love that man.

Work went really well, so I thought it was a really good day. I came home and Sterling had done all the laundry. Another great part of the day. He had also laid a pair of scrub pants to dry on the piano bench (I don't dry my scrubs, they tend to shrink on me. But if I buy them to fit just a bit big, they never shrink. Irony.). I picked them up, and looked in horror at the piano bench. Now I have been taught very severely all my life how to treat the wood of the piano. With the utmost care and attention. Mom was very particular about this. It had never occurred to me to share this wisdom with Sterling. Ingrained in the piano bench's wood was a perfectly WHITE area shaped exactly like a pair of pants. My piano is not white. Nor is the bench. I started sobbing instantly. Sterling tried to mollify me by saying he'd buy another bench, he'd put another slab of wood over it, etc. But I've been on ksl and I know how expensive a bench by itself is, and that we couldn't afford it. I also know that you could never get another piece of wood to go overtop and look as beautiful as the rest of the piano. Let alone matching either a new bench or a piece of wood to the rest of the piano. I was not mollified. I sobbed harder. I tried rubbing it off with a rag and wood cleaner to no avail. I called mom and tried to keep from sobbing while I explained the situation, and she had no helpful hints, except that there was a tiny chance it might go away as the wood dried out. Sterling had to leave on an errand, and I continued to cry and wipe the rag over my bench. Then I had the idea that if drying it would work, then maybe I could speed up the process with a hair dryer. I didn't use heat, just air. It worked!!!! I was so happy! And Sterling was much relieved to come home and see that the bench looked normal---even if I do think I might've scrubbed some of the finish off!!!

Then I sat down at the computer and had Sterling watch the facebook video of soldiers 'suprise' homecomings to their families. I bawled. I thought I wouldn't cry as hard since I had already seen it once. Nope. Just as bad the second time.

Then Sterling said I shouldn't buy him a birthday present because we're going to Idaho that weekend to visit his brother ( and hopefully sister) whom I never met, and we need the money for the trip. I think by then it was just habit. I started crying. I have been planning so carefully what I would get for him!

I came home after dropping Sterling off at work, and even though I had lots to do, I figured I'll have all evening alone, with Sterling at work again tomorrow, so it doesn't really have to be finished tonight. So I ran the tub and read a book. And finished it. And one of the main characters died at the end. And I was crying all over again. Also, my feet got so pruny it hurt to walk on them when I finally got out. I've never experienced that before.

Now though, I feel like I have gotten it all out of my system...haahaa! You'd think so!!!......and now I can go pick Sterling up from work and go to sleep and enjoy all morning with him! Yay for a day off even if he does have to go in to work later.

Oh PS, I got a blessing from Sterling on sunday when he was giving all his little siblings back-to-school blessings, and he said "many" spirits were waiting to come down to me. Just curious as to what the exact definition of "many" might be????!?!?!?!?!


Kayli said...

I think many means 12.

You should have called me, I knew that the white piano bench thing goes away all by itself.

Loved that soldier video. I was sitting there bawling, and Brett finally looked over and was like, "What in the WORLD is going on?" and so then I started it over and he came over and watched it with me, and cried too. :) He said that he kept picturing himself and our kids, which - is of course, a recipe for disaster (bawling).

Ummm, sounds like a good night in the tub.

It's funny that you spilled sugar because yesterday (or the day before that, I can't remember), I tipped over the bag of sugar which is on my top cupboard, and so it fell all over me and the floor and everywhere. I was especially sweet that day.

Umm, I guess that's all. Tata.

Andrea said...

Louisa Lou--you didn't tell me you got a job!! How rude. Also, you didn't say WHAT book you read in the tub. Critical information like that can't be left out. Several of the books you borrowed from me have characters that die, so I couldn't even tell from that.

Next time, try to blog with a little more precision or we won't let the 8th child blog either! :)

PS--I'm glad the piano bench thing worked out for you. Now all you have to worry about is your future children gouging it with knives. Not that Ruthie or Ben will do that sort of thing.

Megan said...

Sometimes a good cry is the cure.