Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sterling and I are LOVING being in primary. We see all the kids for singing time, junior and senior, and we come home just laughing about all of their antics all day long. Last week I know there were several hilarous stories, but there's an even funnier one from Sacrament Mtg this week:

Riley is a 3 yr old sunbeam, who always lets Sterling know that she sang "REALLY good that time!" or that she was paying attention, or that its her turn, she's really sweet about it though. So we had a speaker that is blind and in a wheelchair, and she also sings in the choir. So they had taken her from her wheelchair and sat her on the front row of choir seats with the rest of the choir members so that she was ready for the song. And instead of trying to move her for a talk, they just gave her a mic to talk from her choir seat. She was surrounded by other choir members, so not easily noticeable. Well, the bishopric member announced who was speaking, sat down, and then this lady started to talk from her seat. I watched Riley's eyes look at the podium, and then kinda look around, and then she turns to her mom and in this stage whisper says "She's INVISIBLE!" I was laughing so hard. She could not figure out where the body of the voice was! So funny.

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