Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Days

Yesterday Sterling took his last Chemistry test until the final. He did really well on it. Which may or may not get his grade as high as he needs to. The lamesauce professor has never said how much he'll curve, only that he will, and has never given them a grade for the he really has no idea how he's doing overall in the class. His labs always went great, and luckily thats over, so he has three extra hours of free time on Wednesdays now until the semester is over!!!!!

To celebrate the end of that particular Chemistry test, and because Sterling--through some amazing miracle--had very little other homework due this weekend and none of it due Friday night, I planned a little getaway, with the help of my older sister Andrea. Sterling said he could smell the candles at the bottom of our apartment stairs. Oops. But our apartment was decorated amazing, let me just tell ya. And we got to sleep in this morning, and now Sterling is working on his little bit of math homework and we'll have the WHOLE DAY together! So we are going to the Draper temple. Because we think thats cool. Both of us went through the open house, but have never been back inside.

On another note, I found Sterling's last Christmas present yesterday, and since I couldn't think of anywhere to hide it, I wrapped it and put it underneath our Christmas tree. I am SO excited for Christmas!!!! And I am DYING to know what Sterling got for me. I have no idea. No idea, and and its driving me crazy! And this is how I want to cut my hair. But its getting SO LONG lately, that I can't quite convince myself to do it. So I'm going to dye my hair instead. I'm excited.


Kayli said...

Oh PLEASE cut your hair that way-- it would be soooo awesome and I want to see it!! Plus it will grow out again if you don't like it, so no worries!

Megan said...

How was the Draper temple? I think that temple is so beautiful - I took my YW there to do baptisms for the dead. Glad you had a fun get away. Thanks again for babysitting - you are awesome!