Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Hike with the Baby

Sterling and I were squinting in the sun...hence, not the greatest pictures, but look at our AWESOME baby carrier!!!!! I needed to adjust it a little bit, thats my excuse for being tired in two minutes. But Sterling said it fit great and worked fabulous!  

Baby girl was LOVING it and enjoyed being bounced along.

We gave her the camera case (around Sterling's neck to protect against being dropped) but eventually it was all a little much for her and she conked out.

Cutest conked out baby with a squished cheek EVER!

PS random story: We got assigned new home teachers and yesterday, when he called to see when he could come visit he asked, "Aren't you the couple with the red-headed baby?" Why yes, yes we are. And no, never in my life did I think I'd be described in that fashion. I like it. ( he also said she was darling. we are so glad he is our new home teacher HAHAA)


Heather and Jake said...

So cute! I can't wait for Evelyn to be old enough to take hiking!

Andrea said...

In the first pic with Sterling and Ruth, they look SO MUCH ALIKE. Crazy.

Kayli said...

She is super cute! Her hair is very vibrant in these pictures. Come hike with us!!

Megan said...

Cute, cute - she is adorable. Where do you go hiking?

The Haws Family said...

megan---this was just a trail above WSU. We just meandered along what used to be the cross fitness trail, and up onto the Bonneville shoreline trail, and towards the Waterfall Canyon trail...but that was a little too long for the amount of time we had, so we came back on the opposite trails to make a full circle. BUT we REALLY need to do Indian trail with your kids. Its my new favorite from last summer.