Friday, July 22, 2016

Ball Clan Cabin 2016

We made it to the annual Ball Clan Cabin trip this year. We use a cabin up Monte Cristo area and it is beautiful and such a great escape from everyday life. It helps that there aren't 70 people there, but we really truly RELAX at the cabin. Also, all the adults pitched in with my kids SOOOO much when Sterling wasn't there, and I appreciated it SOOOO much! Love you guys!
We tie-dyed t-shirts. They did this last year but we weren't able to make it. The kids LOVED it!
Cade brought Sterling up later, so Bridget and I were all alone to do ours and our babies, but we got it done! 
Bridget brought up this little pool for the twins to keep busy in. It was a great idea! Everyone loved to play in it, haha.
I don't know what Marlowe and Ethan were doing, but it was so cute to see them laughing with their heads together
Bridget also brought bubbles, which were a HUGE success. Will had BLUE bubbles, a light BLUE/dark BLUE tie-dye shirt, a BLUE flashlight, and pretty much everything else blue he could get his hands on. HAAHAA.
All seven grandkids watching a movie together. I was pretty impressed with how well the older twins did with my kids and the baby twins. They really all played together quite well!
All our t-shirts drying on the railing.
Grandma Cindy brought this up and my kids LOVED it. Will was laughing SOOOO hard when the balls were thrown on and bounced off. It was hilarious.

See the balls bouncing all over?
Sterling came!!!!! He took a late plane right after work, got to the airport at midnight, and then Cade and him drove to the cabin. They got there at 2am, which was 4am Sterling's time! He was such a trooper though and dove right into playing with us and spending time with the kids. Love that man!
A nice little hike around the mountainside.
Cutie girl sitting on the cabin steps.
The hammock was the star of the show over the week, haha. My kids LOVED hanging out in it, and I'm pretty sure everyone else took their turns too.

Nutter butters, haha.
Jenny and Sterling.
Lunch feast.
My FAVORITE picture that Jenny stole my camera to take, and I am SOOOO glad. All those kids hanging out together and happy as can be is just the epitome of summertime. Love.
You will not believe that everyone put on their tie-dye, squished together, I ran in on the 10-second timer and grabbed Will who was running away, and we got it on the FIRST try! So that was our one and only big family pic. I am quite proud of it haha. Everyone looks so adorable!!! I sure do love this family!
Hangin' out.
This pen was FANTASTIC at keeping little people out of things on the trip. Props to Bridget for all her mom skills. Also Philip and Kai and are the absolute cutest.
Tinfoil dinners. Also a fish that the boys caught on the lake earlier, which was pretty awesome.
Kaleb, Jenny, and Ruth
She loved it there. I agree, my girl, I agree.
These three and their fish. They set an alarm and got up SUPER early to go. I was impressed with their determination. They spent the whole week fishing and shooting bb guns and generally having a great time together, lucky boys!
His light blue/dark blue shirt--just as requested!
It was SOOOOOOO great to have my man around!!!!!

Nothing quite like s'mores while camping. YUM!
She was great at roasting 'mallows this year. Even with smoke in her eyes!

Love this spot. And those people.
Cade and Jenny
Cutest sisters ever.
We sang the traditional campfire songs (that I REALLY need to learn) from Sterling and Cindy's dad Gary. Ruth and Molly sat there and led us the entire time, haha.
I love the happiness here!

The lake here is SOOOO beautiful. The hike is also so nice. I love being up there!

Oh that daddy adores his boy!

This girl got all wet. So we borrowed a t-shirt and crocs from the baby twins (she is SOOO tiny!) and I thought she looked extra adorable all day long.

On the last afternoon we had a bunch of minute-to-win-it games that were absolutely hilarious!
Get the noodles into the bowl with the spaghetti in your mouth!
Ethan and Jaxen
Bridget and Cade
Jenny and mom
Sterling and Cade
This hilarious game where you have to bowl over the cups with the orange.


All the grandkids!!!
We ended everything on a perfect note, and headed out. Only to stop a few miles down the road with Cindy's suburban looking like this:

Lets get in another game! Haha.
We got everything in working order, thanks to Cade and Sterling, and were on our way again.
It was such a great cabin trip this year! Maybe because I didn't have a screaming baby at night, but we played games, sang songs, hiked, played, and just enjoyed ourselves SOOOO much. 

Oh, I have to add a couple more photos from Bridget's blog:
BB guns 
More of everyone tie-dying. 
Hot chocolate for breakfast! It felt SOOOO cold in the mornings, but so nice to drink hot chocolate!
Agricola after the kids were in bed. We really need that game, so MUCH FUN!
And, I'm pretty much ready to start it all again. Immediately. Forever. Thanks for such a great time!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

You have so many great pictures I want! The tie dye hang drying, the grandkids with grandma, and the minute to win it! So hilarious! That was a good trip!