Friday, May 1, 2020

Christmas-y December activities 2019

This is one of my all-time favorite pieces of art. I've wanted it on my wall so bad for so long. I saw it on amazon as a puzzle last year for like $10 and got it, thinking we'd do it over Christmas break...but I had a baby instead. So this year it made it's debut, and then Russ destroyed it, and we remade it all over again and immediately glued it so it couldn't come apart haha! 

Ran into Molly's friend Gwen and family at the Delray Beach 100 ft lighted Christmas tree. They were handing out free lighted flower crowns and it was perfectly Christmas magic.

Sent from Olivia to me, but PERFECT CHRISTMAS MAGICAL MOMENT! SOOOOO many memories of just this picture with just that pan, and just that spoon and just that apron. Goodness.

Tradition! Kids dipping pretzels for neighbors!

It wouldn't be Christmas without Nanaimo bars!

More library crafts! This time we brought Will's friend Wally along. They made gingerbread ornaments and they smelled sooooo good!

Gracie being Gracie.

Ruth and her friends ran into their teacher from last year and we love her so.

Sterling and I managed a night at Star Wars!!! Sterling was ecstatic, I thought it was actually good!

The order is jumbled, but this is the 100 ft Christmas tree!

And Santa's little house was right next to the tree. Cutest thing ever!

And because we spent the evening in downtown Delray, we had to eat at Doc's. 

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