Friday, May 29, 2020

End of February-Father/Son Campout

First molar to go--how?? 

I put on makeup, it had to be documented haha.

One of my little piano students was picked up late, so she just joined right in at the table. She's so cute.

Tried a new hairstyle. Loved it. Have not been able to recreate it since haha.

Happy Anniversary!

The playgroup was meeting on a no-school Monday or Friday to go to a manatee lagoon. I was kind of thinking we wouldn't go because it would be hard to wrangle Russ and then it was cold and I kind of wanted to go to a library event to get free bike helmets. Just as I was deciding to do the library for sure, my friend Lindsey Harper called me up and said she was headed to the manatee lagoon but running late, and was it even worth it to go? She was passing my exit--so she took it instead, we went to the library together, and then our kids played on our playground the entire. day. Nonstop play. The sun felt glorious. I could talk to Lindsey for days. Just the sort of a day a no-school day should be. Heaven.

The girls are always asking me to do instagram hairstyles. I rarely agree to, but when I do, it sure is cute!

Will's getting ginormously tall and he lost his jacket (and at that point needed it for 1.3 more days in Florida, but he was having a hard time about it) so I took him to a knock-off store by our house and he got new tennis shoes, a new jacket, and he was pleased as punch. Having the one-on-one date with mom was super special too.

Sterling worked SO HARD to swing being there for the father/son campout. I ended up driving Will and meeting Sterling there because it was closer to the hospital and that way they had more time there. And Will was THRILLED. SO THRILLED. Things like this are just what makes the world go round. He was unbelievably chatty- on and on and on-about every single minute detail that had happened in the one singular night he'd been out with dad. My heart just loves him.

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