Monday, February 9, 2009


Last night I was dancing in the rain.....and then I woke up to massive amounts of heavy, wet, snow. I had a marvelous morning at the gym, wore my nice polka dot boots around campus to keep my feet dry and warm, had a nice chat with my dad where he gave me some much-desired soup cans.....and then I had my patient.

This is the third time I have seen this patient, so I finished an hour early, but I passed off two PE's-- both Class II specific PE's, so thats kinda nice---watched some mountains of calculus fly off when I used the ORANGE TIP!!!! I thought that was reserved for Class III, and IVs, but nothing happened with my slim little green tip, so we upgraded, and I really enjoyed it. Made life SO much easier. Whoever invented the Ultrasonic should be blessed. I also really like the instructor I have on Mondays and so clinic days seem a lot less stressful and I feel like I am taught a lot more, yay for Mondays!!!! AND....drum roll....we have clinic on Wednesday, but they are teaching us more about the ultrasonic so I DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A PT!!!! This week is going fabulously already. Lets just hope I can get my car out of the parking lot and safely to my home. oh yeah, and ps I got a prescription from the dr. today for PerioMed, its weird actually prescribing something to a pt.

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