Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Scary Dinner

We have been in Canada for the past six days, and won't be back for a few more...but since my baby is napping, my husband is studying, and I'm stalled from packing to leave my brother's house and go to our reunion until the baby wakes up....I thought I'd share our crazy dinner experience from last night.

My oldest sister Megan is a nurse anesthetist, and pretty much the most amazingly-quickly-responding-level-headed person I have ever met in my life. She's saved pretty much every single one of her siblings from drowning(myself included) and pretty much every one else's life around. My oldest brother, Derek , is a doctor. He's given my bro-in-law stitches on our kitchen table. Awesome. Sterling and I were with both of them and their spouses at dinner last night. A really fancy steak and potato place in Lethbridge that was absolutely-mouth-wateringly delicious. I ate my whole plate of food. And then waddled around the rest of the night. It was awesome.

So as we were leaving this place of divinity, Brooke (my sis-in-law) and Megan headed to the restrooms, along with Derek, and the rest of us were kinda-slowly following. Until all the sudden Brooke jetted out of the girls bathroom, ran into the men's bathroom and told Derek he was needed RIGHT NOW and ran back into the girls bathroom. I came up to the open door and Megan told me to go tell someone to call an ambulance. I ran to the front reception desk area and said "Call 911. We need an ambulance. There's someone in the girls bathroom." Only later did it occur to me that in Canada, it might not be 911. Don't worry though, it is. I did find out though that in Taiwan its 119. Just in case you were wondering.

Sterling, my bro-in-law Jared, and I didn't want to be in the way, but peering around the corner we could see my sister Megan crouched beside a lady whose hands were grey. Then Brooke came out and told me to go tell a young guy that had been sitting at the table behind us, to come over. She thought she had recognized the two people as sitting together.

I went over to the table, asked the guy if the woman he was with had gone to the restroom. He said yes. Then I was kinda stumped at what to tell him. I just said that we had just called an ambulance and that something was wrong, and to follow me to the restrooms. Which he did.

Then we all stood around while my brother Derek, the doctor, and my sister Megan, the nurse, manned everything. Then the ambulance guys showed up. Then we waited around for quite a bit longer while my brother told them what he had seen. Then we left and they gave my brother and sister a gift certificate for a free meal. And we FINALLY got the whole story:

Brooke walked into the bathroom first and saw a lady walk out of a stall and kind of crouch over the sink, she kept walking, but then turned around cause she thought the lady was standing funny, like she was trying to make herself throw up. When she turned around, the lady waved her over, and Brooke couldn't tell if she was choking or not. And she couldn't decide if she should run get Derek, or stay with the lady. Which is when Megan walked in, and Brooke felt very relieved. So Megan caught the lady's head as she passed out, and Brooke ran to yell at Derek. Megan thought at first that the lady was having a seizure because her eyes were rolling to the back of her head. But she moved her head and neck and the lady coughed out some food, but was still not really breathing (hence the grey hands). Then Derek came in, and I guess they got her to cough up another really BIG piece of food, and she started doing better. Then the paramedics showed up and lectured her on not running to the bathroom when you are choking even if you are embarrassed, because thats how people die because no one notices they need help. Megan said that if she hadn't of started breathing when she did, she was really close to dying. Crazy stuff.

Brooke decided she's never going into a bathroom without a trained nurse ever again. And I decided that we picked the perfect people to have dinner with. Basically, my brother and sister are awesome. Plus, while we stood there, we got extra dinner mints and they were REALLY good.

PS My sister Kami, that lives in Texas, had her baby yesterday afternoon and we are SO happy because she has had a previous c-section, so if she didn't go into labor on her own, they wouldn't try inducing her, they would just do another c-section, and she only had until Friday before they scheduled her. YAY! It was a boy, 8 pounds 14 ounces. BIG BOY! So happy for you Kami!

PPS Last night we watched Real Steel, and I LOVED it. Really good movie. I cried. Don't ask why. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones.


Lynn said...


First.....sad that you are up here SO close and yet so far away to come and see you. I hope you are enjoying your trip thus far.

What an amazing dinner story!!! Someone was looking out for that lady for sure! happy to hear about Kami and baby. Been waiting to hear! YAY!

Kayli said...

Brett and I were just talking about this kindof thing the other night. How, in that kind of situation, some people (doctors and nurses and the like) are ready to jump in and start doing stuff to save and help and rescue, and other people (myself) have this sick feeling of awfulness that I SHOULD be doing something to save and help but really, I'm just feeling like... I want this to NOT be happening.
Anyhoo, cool. And I didn't think Real Steel looked that cool, but since you liked it, oh and since Hugh Jackman is SOOOOOO HOT, I might watch it.

Lindsey said...

That is a crazy story! Good thing you all went to dinner there or else this lady would have died! Gees!!