Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Some Notes

If Sterling wasn't studying all the time I would say "HONEY! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix the light in the shower, because its really hard to shower in the dark, and Ruthie doesn't like being in her rubbermaid container in the shower in the dark!"

Today I told my boss that I was expecting (mostly because my co-worker already knew and I knew she couldn't keep it a secret) and HE GAVE ME A RAISE!!! Isn't that the best thing ever?!?!?! Not that it wasn't about time, but still. Awesome.

Sterling took his final today for his last summer class. 96% folks. YAY!!! Now we commence into what I have started to call "boot camp" for the mcat for the next two weeks.

We are moving in two weeks. Why??? A lady in our ward we just moved into told us she thought we were awesome (thats pretty much the gist of it) and wanted us to rent out her duplex. We told her it was too pricey and we moved to save money. She called me back before we left for Canada, offered to let us stay there for whatever we are paying now (about a $400 difference) and we checked it out the night before we left. Talk about TWO GARAGES (we only have one car) TWO and a HALF baths, and a BEAUTIFUL kitchen that I am DYING to call my own. Also the fact that it has a dishwasher and a bath tub, and a second bedroom (all of which we currently do not have) and, to put it in Sterling's words, we would be idiots to not move. Especially with another baby on the way. I don't know why the lady in our ward is willing to do this. But I'm not gonna ask twice. Its beautiful. New carpet. New paint. New tile. New countertops. Oh heaven, lets just hope I don't get too spoiled rotten, so that when we move away to medical school with two littles I can manage in another basement, one bedroom apartment :) *Think the apostle who said they had cots for four children in one bedroom while they were at medical school*

I made tortilla soup yesterday. It makes a lot, so I took it to work with me today to share at lunch. Now its all gone and I'm kinda sad about that.

Ruthie is walking like a CHAMP these days. She's even getting the hang of it with her adorable new purple shoes on that are too big.

Ruth LOVES chocolate ice cream. Good thing I bought a gallon instead of a half gallon when I was debating at the store.

I decided grocery shopping at 7 AM is totally the way to go! All the workers are out putting out new, fresh stuff, and they are all happy and willing to help you. Plus, there are no lines. Although the people buying their one small doughnut for breakfast were a little annoyed that I was getting a weeks worth of groceries ahead of them. :)

Sterling takes the mcat in 17 days. YAY!!! Yay because even if he does horrible, and we have to pay to retake it, and its a miserable mess (which it totally won't be, because he is amazing and has studied so incredibly hard this summer) at least it will be over for a few weeks and he can come home at night and snuggle with me.

Did you notice we move in two weeks and Sterling takes the mcat in two weeks? Yeah. That means me, myself, and I is doing ALL the packing. This is the only MAJOR downside to moving to our new, sweet setup.

This summer went by really, REALLY fast and I am quite sad. I'm really sad that my baby is getting big. Walking makes her look like a toddler. Independent. Like she doesn't need me anymore. I want a cuddly little baby back. We'll shrink her so I can have TWO babies. Best plan ever.


Lynn said...

WOw! Lot's of great news in one post!

Congrats on the new BABY coming! And that new rental sounds amazing!!! Better than our first home purchased.....and that we are still living in. HA ha. So jelly for your garage my husband will be. ; )

Andrea said...

Since when did husbands ever help pack? You're such a weirdo sometimes.

The Haws Family said... husband helped pack a TON two months ago when we moved. Plus, he's kinda a stickler on the 'no lifting heavy things when pregnant' rule...which means even now he wants me to wait on all our food storage.